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A Case of Stillbirth Due to Fetomaternal Transfusion

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1994;37(12):1762-1766.
Published online December 15, 1994.
A Case of Stillbirth Due to Fetomaternal Transfusion
Jin Min Choi, Myoung Bae Jeon, Byung Joo Park, Jung Hye Choi, Seoung Yul Lee, Dong Won Choi
Department of Pediatrics, Inchon Christian Hospital, Inchon, Korea
태아 모체간 수혈현상에 의한 사산 1례
최진민, 전명배, 박병주, 최정혜, 이승렬, 최동원
인천 기독 병원 소아과
Transfer of large quantities of fetal blood across the placental barrier to the maternal circulation is a rare occurrence which results in severe anemia in the newborn infants. This phenomenon is believed to occur most often during labor and delivery and apparently, is more frequent when abnormal obstetric conditions are present. However, fetal erythrocytes have been identified in the naternal circulation throughout most of pregnancy indicating some degree of constant or intermittent transplacental transfusion. We experienced a case of stillbirth due to large amount of fetomaternal transfusion. Acid elutionl test of maternal blood was positive and direct and indirect Coombs test was negative. Ultrasonographic finding on abdomen and cranium to rule out the internal hemorrhage was normal. We report a case of stillbirth due to fetomaternal transfusion with a brief review of related literatures.
Key Words: Fetomaternal transfusion, Stillbirth

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