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Intracraial Hemorrhage in Premature and Low Birth Weight Infants by Craniosonography

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1995;38(6):752-759.
Published online June 15, 1995.
Intracraial Hemorrhage in Premature and Low Birth Weight Infants by Craniosonography
Seung Hee Choi, Jae Ock Park, Sang Man Shin, Sang Jhoo Lee
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang University, Seoul, Korea
미숙아와 저출생 체중아에서 뇌초음파를 이용한 두개강내 출혈의 진단
최승희, 박재옥, 신상만, 이상주
순천향대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
: Intrabventricular hemorrhage is a common neuropathologic finding in premature and low birth weight infants. It is deeply related with neonatal death and neurologic sequelae. We want to know the incidence and the relating factors of intracranial hemorrhage in premature and low birth weight infants.
: We performed craniosonography in 170 premature and low birth weight infants in 3-7 days of life and 1-2 weeks interval after initial examination with 5MHz realtime sector scanner.
: 1) Among 170 neonates, intracranial hemorrhage was detected in 58 neonates. 2) Among 58 neonates, 22(37.9%) were male and 36(62.1%) were female. 3) The incidence of intracranial hemorrhage was high in the group below the 34 weeks of intrauterine period (63.8%) and below the 34 weeks of intrauterine period(63.8%) and below 1,000gm (80%) of birth weight. 4) The grade I hemorrhage was most common(79.3%). 5) The most common site of hemorrhage was caudothalamic notch(73.9%). 6) The incidence of hemorrhage was not related to delivery type. 7) Conditions associated with intracranial hemorrhage were respiratory distress syndrome, anemia, ventilator care and oxygen therapy.
: It is necessary to perform craniosonography to detect the intracranial hemorrhage in premature and low birth weight infants. Knowing the presence of intracranial hemorrhage, we can save the neonate through early appropriate teratment.
Key Words: Intracranial hemorrhage, Craniosongraphy

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