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Effects of Main Pulmonary Artery Constriction on the Right Ventricle in Rabbits

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1995;38(8):1087-1092.
Published online August 15, 1995.
Effects of Main Pulmonary Artery Constriction on the Right Ventricle in Rabbits
Chan Uhno Joo, Dong Geun Lee
Department of Pediatrics, Chonbuk National University, School of Medicine, Chonju, Korea
가토에서 주폐동맥 부분 결찰이 우심실에 미치는 영향
주찬웅, 이동근
전북대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
: constriction or banding of the pulmonary artery tocreate pulmonalry artery stenosis is a palliative procedure designed to limit pulmonary blood flow in congenital cardiac malformation with unrestricted shunt flow from the systemic to pulmonary circuit. Increased pressure-load with the procedure results in ventricular hypertrophy in right ventricle. We studied effects of the pulmonary artery constriction on the right ventricle in rabbits.
: A left thoracotomy was performed for the consriction of the main pylmonary artery in rabbits. Preoperative and postoperative echocardiographic evaluations were performed regularly. Pathologic examination were done to study the effects of the pulmonary artery constriction on the right ventricle.
: Serial echocardigraphy showed that pressure gradient through the constriction was 21.4¡¾4.7 mmHg and that anteror wall thickness of right ventricle increased by a mean of 25.8% by 1 week after the constriction. Mean left ventricularright ventricular wall tickness ratio increased by a mean of 12.4%. Microscopic finding revealed hypertrophied myocyte and mitotic nucleus in the right ventricular myocardium 2 weeks after the constriction of the main pulmonary artery.
: These results suggest that hypertrophic myocardial response in right ventricle with the main pumonary artery constiction occurs in a week in rabbit.
Key Words: Pulmonary Artery Constriction, Hypertrophy, Right Ventricle

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