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Effects of Arginine Vasopressin on Renal Function in the Rabbit.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1981;24(7):638-644.
Published online July 15, 1981.
Effects of Arginine Vasopressin on Renal Function in the Rabbit.
Dae Yeol Lee1, Sun Taik Rhim1, Jung Soo Kim1, Kyu Cha Kim1, Kyung Woo Cho2
1Department of Pediatrics, Jeon Bug National University Medical School, Korea.
2Department of Physiology, Jeon Bug National University Medical School, Korea.
Vasopressin의 腎臟機能에 미치는 影響
李大烈1, 林順澤1, 金禎洙1, 金圭次1, 曺景宇2
1全北大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
2全北大學校 醫科大學 生理學敎室
It has long been known that Vasopressin could increase the urinary sodium and chloride excretion. The exact mechanism and site of action, however, have not yet been explained. Experiments were performed whether the renal effects were the same in both cortical and juxtamedullary nephron in decorticated kiddney model. Heat-decortication was car ried out in the left kidney immersed in water kept at 52oC for 5 minutes. In 90% of cases, outer 2/3 of the cortex was necrotized as revealedd at the time of experiment on 8th day. The right kidney underwent the same procedure except that the temperature of water was kept at 39oC, and served as control. Urine flow and fractional excretion of urine were increased by the arginine vasopressin infusion in both kidney, but the diffferences were not significant. There were no signifficant changes in glomerular filtration rate and rrenal plasma flow in doses of 5 and 10 mu/kg/minute. Responsiveness of decorticated kidney was less than the control kidney. Increments of fractional excretion of potassium were not significantly different. From thhese results, it is suggested that the responsiveness of the cortical and juxtamedullarry nephron to the arginine vasopressin may not be the same. The mechanisms of the differences were discussed.
Key Words: Vasopressin, Kidney function

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