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Comparison of Measles Specific IgG in the Sera of Infants and Children after Vaccination of Measles

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1996;39(5):625-630.
Published online May 15, 1996.
Comparison of Measles Specific IgG in the Sera of Infants and Children after Vaccination of Measles
Young Kyoo Shin, Hyung Suk Kim, Ji Tai Choung, Young Chang Tockgo
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
예방접종 방법에 따른 혈청내 홍역 특이 IgG 생성효과 비교
신영규, 김형석, 정지태, 독고영창
고려대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
: After recent epidemics of measles in Korea, Korean Pediatric Society recommended 2 dose measles vaccination schedule instead of 1 dose since 1991. However, the studies that supported the modification of vaccination schedule were insufficient yet. This study was performed to evaluate the vaccination efficacy of 1 dose and 2 dose vaccination.
: One dose vaccination group consisted of 19 infants(mean: 13.5 months of age) and two dose vaccination group consisted of 17 infants(mean: 20.4 months of age). We measured the serum level of measles specific IgG antibody in vaccinated infants during 2 to 8 month after vaccination using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA).
: 1) There was no significant difference between one dose and two dose vaccination group in measles specific IgG antibody level(479¡¾203AU/ml vs. 442¡¾119AU/ml). 2) There was no significant difference between one dose and two dose vaccination in seropositivity of measles specific IgG antibody(94.7% vs. 88.2%). 3) Seropositivity of measles specific IgG antibody in all subjects has gradually decreased after vaccination and it was not related to the dose of vaccination.
: These results suggest that two dose vaccination of measles is not effective than one dose. Therefore, to confirm the current vaccination schedule of measles in Korea, more studies about effective method of vaccination should be performed.
Key Words: Measles, Antibody, Vaccination, Dose, Efficacy

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