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Study of Nosocomial Infection of Rotavirus in Preterm and Full-term Neonates

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1999;42(3):332-338.
Published online March 15, 1999.
Study of Nosocomial Infection of Rotavirus in Preterm and Full-term Neonates
Kwang Ok Chung1, Dong Seok Lee1, Doo Kwun Kim1, Sung Min Choi1, Woo Taek Kim1, Sun Hee Yu2
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Dongguk University, Kyongju, An-San, Korea
2An-San Jae-il Hospital, An-San, Korea
미숙아 및 만삭아의 로타바이러스 원내 감염증에 대한 임상적 고찰
정광옥1, 이동석1, 김두권1, 최성민1, 김우택1, 유선희2
1동국대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
: The present study was designed to investigate rotavirus infection by comparing clinical characteristics of the nosocomial infection of rotavirus between preterm and full-term neonates.
: The subjects were admitted from May to December, 1996. In 71 preterms, 44 were Rotazyme positive, 27 were negative, and in 321 full-terms, 64 were Rotazyme positive, 257 were negative. We studied the rate of positive Rotazyme ELISA test and positive symptoms. We compared clinical manifestations and parameters between both groups. Stools were examined with occult blood, stool culture and Rotazyme ELISA tests.
: The rate of nosocomial rotavirus infection in neonates was 27.6% and increased as the neonates matured. Rotazyme positive rate is not significantly related to sex, birth weight and symptoms with necrotizing enterocolitis(NEC) between preterm and full-term neonates. But, jaundice developed more frequently in Rotazyme positive groups. When the neonates matured, they had longer durations of positive symptoms and positive Rotazyme tests. Also they had shorter onset times of positive symptoms and positive Rotazyme tests. Positive symptoms rate was 74.0% in total, 95.5% in preterm and 59.4% in full-term. Abdominal distension, jaundice and NEC increased significantly in preterms.
: Rotavirus can be a significant pathogen in preterms more than in full-terms. Neonates suffering from suspected sepsis should be investigated for rotaviral infection. A new oral vaccine and oral immunoglobulin is needed for eradicating rotavirus infection in the nursery. Further studies about isolations, infection pathways, immune responses and treatment of rotavirus are needed.
Key Words: Rotavirus, Nosocomial Infection, Preterm and Full-term Neonates

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