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The Annual and Seasonal Changes in the Prevalence of Rotaviral Infection from; 1993 to 1998

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2000;43(1):49-54.
Published online January 15, 2000.
The Annual and Seasonal Changes in the Prevalence of Rotaviral Infection from; 1993 to 1998
Young Joo Son1, Hong Sun Park1, Soon Lee Jung1, Mira Park2, Kyuchul Choeh1
1Departments of P ediatrics, Eulji M edical College, Taejon, Korea
2Departments of Biostatistics, Eulji M edical College, Taejon, Korea
Rotavirus 감염의 연도별 유행시기의 변동 양상
손영주1, 박홍선1, 정순이1, 박미라2, 최규철1
1을지의과대학 소아과학교실
2의예과 의학통계 전공
: Rotavirus infection is a leading cause of severe gastroenteritis among infants and young children worldwide. In temperate regions, institutional outbreaks of the disease occur mainly in cold dry weather, whereas in tropical settings its seasonal course is less well defined. We studied the annual changes in the seasonal prevalence of rotavirus infection for 5 years.
: The study was conducted on 502 patients who lived in Taejon city and its vicinity. They were diagnosed with rotavirus gastroenteritis by stool latex coagulation method in Eulji Medical College Hospital from July 1993 to June 1998.
: During the 5-years period, 502 fecal specimens were positive by rotavirus latex coagulation method. The peak of the infection occurred in 1994(July 1994-June 1995), 152 cases (30.3%) from July 1994 to June 1995 and the next peak occurred in 111 cases(22.1%) from July 1993 to June 1994. The seasonal peaks of the infection occurred in December 1993(17.1%) and January 1994(21.1%) and in March 1996(23.4%) and March 1997(22.5%).
: We observed that the seasonal peak in rotavirus infection changed over a 5-year period. The timing of rotavirus activity peaked during December-January(1993 and 1994), Februray-March(1996), and March-April(1997).
Key Words: Rotavirus, Seasonal prevalence, Epidemic

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