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Change of Peripheral Blood CD5+ B Lymphocytes in Early Neonatal Period

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2000;43(5):674-678.
Published online May 15, 2000.
Change of Peripheral Blood CD5+ B Lymphocytes in Early Neonatal Period
Ye Ho Lee1, Bin Cho1, Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Cat 1, Kyung Tai Whang1
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Catholic University of Korea
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Catholic University of Korea
초기 신생아기의 말초혈액내 CD5+ B림프구 아형의 변화
이의호1, 조빈1, 이원배1, 황경태1
1가톨릭대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
1가톨릭대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
: This study was aimed to investigate age-related changes of CD5+ B lymphocytes in healthy Korean neonates.
: Sixty healthy neonatal infants were enrolled in this study; at birth(n=10), day 1(n=10), day 2(n=10), day 3(n=10), day 4(n=10) and day 5(n=10). Phenotypic analysis of CD5+ B lymphocytes was performed on blood samples using standard flow-cytometric techniques.
: The percentage of lymphocyte was significantly increased from at birth to day 5. The percentage of CD19+ lymphocyte was decreased from at birth to day 4, but statistically not significant. The percentage of CD5+/CD19- lymphocyte on day 5 was significantly lower than that of at birth. The percentage of CD5-/CD19+ lymphocyte was not changed. The percentage of CD5+/CD19- lymphocyte on day 1 was significantly higher than that of at birth, then it gradually decreased with aging to the at birth figure. The percentage of CD5+/CD19+ lymphocyte was decreased from at birth to day 5, but the changes were not significant. The percentage of CD5+/ CD19+ lymphocyte in CD19+ lymphocyte was decreased from at birth to day 5, but it was not statistically significant.
: CD5+ B lymphocyte counts are considerably higher than previously established adult values and the age-related changes are very important in interpretating CD5+ B lymphocyte. These data may serve as a reference range for studies in early neonatal period.
Key Words: CD5, CD19, Newborn, Lymphocyte subset

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