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Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Immunization in Children with Egg Allergies

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2001;44(9):1031-1035.
Published online September 15, 2001.
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Immunization in Children with Egg Allergies
Seung Yeon Nam, Eun Hee Jung, Jin A Jung, Yong Min Park, Kyoung Hee Jeon, Ju Suk Lee, Gi Young Jang, Kang Mo Ahn, Sang Il Lee
Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea
계란 알레르기가 있는 환아에서의 MMR 예방접종
남승연, 정은희, 정진아, 박용민, 전경희, 이주석, 장기영, 안강모, 이상일
성균관대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Sang Il Lee, Email: yeon126@unitel.co.kr
: The safety of MMR(Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) immunization to children with egg allergies has been debated for decades because the live attenuated virus used in the vaccine is grown in cultured chick-embryo fibroblasts. Many studies that investigated adverse reactions to MMR vaccine have been reported abroad, but there has been no report in Korean children. So, this study is aimed at determining the prevalence of positive reactions to skin test with the diluted MMR vaccine and the safety of MMR immunization in Korean children with egg allergies.
: Twenty children who have atopic dermatitis or urticaria associated with egg allergies in Samsung Medical Center underwent prick and intradermal tests with diluted MMR vaccine. Then, we administered the vaccine to the children subcutaneously.
: One patient(5.0%) had a positive result on the prick test and five(25.0%) on the intradermal test. Urticaria was elicited after MMR immunization in two children(10%) who had past illness of urticaria. One of them had a positive result on the prick and intradermal tests, but the other had negative results on both tests.
: Although anaphylaxis did not appear in our study, adverse reactions to MMR vaccination can occur in children with egg allergies, regardless of skin test result to MMR vaccine, prick or intradermal. Thus, in children with a history of severe systemic allergic reaction to egg, it is safe to perform MMR vaccination in a tertiary medical center where emergency care can be taken appropriately.
Key Words: MMR(Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine, Egg allergy

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