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A case of recurrent hepatoblastoma : lung, heart and brain metastasis

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2006;49(6):691-695.
Published online June 15, 2006.
A case of recurrent hepatoblastoma : lung, heart and brain metastasis
Sun Mi Park1, Byung Kyu Choe1, Yeo Hyang Kim1, Heung Sik Kim1, Tae Chan Kwon1, Hee Jung Lee2
1Department of Pediatrics, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea
2Department of Radiology, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea
폐, 심장, 뇌에 전이되어 재발된 간모세포종 1례
박선미1, 최병규1, 김여향1, 김흥식1, 권태찬1, 이희정2
1계명대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2계명대학교 의과대학 방사선과학교실
Heung Sik Kim, Email: kimhs@dsmc.or.kr
Hepatoblastoma is a hepatic tumor predominantly occurring in children. The usual site of metastasis is the lung. There are only several reports worldwide on the distant metastasis of hepatoblastoma to the central nervous system in children. Only one reported case showed survival of a patient after multiple resections of a recurrent brain lesion. Involvement of the cardiovascular system has been reported in the medical literature. Lesions almost always involve the right-side of the heart. We report a case of recurrent hepatoblastoma at multiple sites, including brain, left atrium of the heart and lung in a 6-year-old girl who was partially treated in the past at the age of 1.5 years; the patient had been event-free for four and a half years.
Key Words: Hepatoblastoma , Metastasis , Left atrium , Brain

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