Acute pyogenic arthritis of hip in neonate and infant. |
Mi Jung Kim1, Young Ah Lee1, Young Pyo Chang1, Hoan Jong Lee1, Jung Hwan Choi1, Chong Ku Yun1, Hak Jin Min2, In Ho Choi2 |
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 2Department of Orthopedic Surgery, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea |
신생아기 및 영아기 급성 화농성 고관절염의 선행유발요인 및
예후영향인자에 관한 임상적 조사* |
김미정1, 이영아1, 장영표1, 이환종1, 최중환1, 윤종구1, 민학진2, 최인호2 |
1서울대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 2서울대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실 |
Received: 19 September 1990 • Accepted: 9 November 1990 |
Abstract |
Acute pyogenic arthritis of hip is a serious infection that can lead to truly devastating complica-
tions especially in neonatal period and infancy. Clinical survey on twelve neonates and infants (14 hip
joints) with acute pyogenic arthritis of hip who were admitted to the Departments of Pediatrics and
Orthopedic Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital from Jan. 1980 to Dec. 1989 were done.
The results were summarized as follows:
1) Male to female ratio was 1.4:1 and 58% of total cases was under 4 weeks of age with higher
incidence in neonatal period.
2) The predisposing factors were found in the 83% of cases. Most of them were associated with
iatrogenic factors, which were composed of femoral venipuncture in 7 cases, vaccination in 2 cases,
IM injection in 1 case and IV site cellulitis in 1 case. The mean time from femoral venipuncture to
local symptom was 2.5 days.
3) The main clinical symptom and sign were pain on motion and limitation of motion. The classical
systemic symptom such as high fever was infrequent.
4) Causative microorganisms were isolated in 7 cases (58%) and Staphylococcus aureus was the
most common microorganism(71%).
5) The sequelae were found in 8 cases(57%): instability of hip in 6 cases, limited range of motion
in 4 cases and severe deformity on femoral head in 3 cases.
6) Incidence of sequelae according to prognostic factors was as follows: arthritis complicated by
osteomyelitis; 83%, time elapsed from local symptom to arthrotomy more than 6 days; 80%, arthritis
developed in neonatal period; 67%, S. aureus as causative microorganism; 67%.
In conclusion, it is important to perform aseptic procedure especially in neonatal period and early
diagnosis and urgent surgical treatment is required to minimize irreversible damage in acute pyogenic
arthritis of hip. |
Key Words:
Acute pyogenic arthritis of hip, Neonate, Infancy |