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One Case of Leptospirosis.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1990;33(1):107-110.
Published online January 31, 1990.
One Case of Leptospirosis.
Sang Joo Han, Jung Hyeun Park, Kyung Ja Lee, Woo Kap Chung
Department of pediatrics, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Seoul, Korea
렙토스피라증 1례
한상주, 박정현, 이경자, 정우갑
한림대학교 의학부 소아과학교실
Received: 24 April 1989   • Accepted: 24 July 1989
Leptospirosis is a zoonosis distributed worldwide. Ifs caused by spirochetes of the genus leptospira and charaterized by systemic and protean clinical manifestation. On August 1981, a diagnosis of this disease was made by a serologic test. Thereafter many cases were reported in adults, but there are no published reports in children. This report deals with one case of leptospirosis in children diagnosed by clinical manifestation, laboratory findings and serologic evidence.
Key Words: Leptospirosis, Children

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