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A Case of Rickettsia Typhi.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1989;32(12):1736-1739.
Published online December 31, 1989.
A Case of Rickettsia Typhi.
Deuk Hwan Jun, Sang Joo Han, Bae Young Kim, Won Il Park, Kyung Ja Lee
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Seoul, Korea
발진열 1례
전득환, 한상주, 김배영, 박원일, 이경자
한림대학 의학부 소아과학교실
Received: 25 February 1989   • Accepted: 14 August 1989
We experienced one case of rickettsia typhi. This 6 years old male was admitted to Sacred Heart Hospital because of fever, Headache and myalgia for 10 days. Physical examination showed him to have injection of throat, dry lips with no skin rash. In the laboratory findings, the CSF showed cell count 22/mm3and suger and protein were with in normal limit. In peripheral blood smear, moderate left shifting was seen, otherwise, it was normal. In the indirect immunofluorescent test R. TYPHI Ab titer was above of IgG 1280, IgM 1280. We made a diagnosis of R. typhi and managed with doxycycline. He was discharged on 15th hospital day. We finally conclude that in case of FUO, we must think of RICKETTSIAL disease and it must be confirmed by laboratory.
Key Words: Rickettsia typhi

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