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2 Cases of Intracranial Hemorrhae due to Late Hemorrhagic Disease of Infancy due to Vitamin K Deficiency.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1989;32(12):1726-1731.
Published online December 31, 1989.
2 Cases of Intracranial Hemorrhae due to Late Hemorrhagic Disease of Infancy due to Vitamin K Deficiency.
Bong Hyune Chung, Hee Jung Seo, Young Hee You, Hyung Sook Lee
Department of Pediatrics, Korea Veterans Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Vitamin K 결핍성 영아기 출혈성 질환에 의한 두개내 출혈 2례
정봉현, 서희정, 유영희, 이현숙
한국 보훈병원 소아과
Received: 14 March 1989   • Accepted: 28 July 1989
A clinical study was done on 2 cases under the diagnosis of late hemorrhagic disease of infancy due to Vitamin K dependent factor deficiency. The following results were obtained. The disorder occured most frequently during early infancy (40 days of age & 2 months of age) with male predominance (2 cases all are male). G-I tract, skin, CNS were the most common site of bleeding. Anemia, probably due to blood loss, was seen in all. Initial laboratory findings showed prolonged PT & PTT with normal platelets count in all cases. After Vitamin K therapy, PT & PTT became normal. Promptly response to Vitamin Kj therapy within 24 hrs was noted. And they were complete recovery from first pisode within 2 weeks after admition without reccurence.
Key Words: Intracranial hemorrhage due to late hemorrhagic disease of infancy

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