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Lateral Ventricular Indices in tuberculous Meningitis.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1988;31(8):984-991.
Published online August 31, 1988.
Lateral Ventricular Indices in tuberculous Meningitis.
Ja Wook Koo, Hang Bo Cho, In Joon Seol, soo Jee Moon, Hahng Lee, Keun Soo Lee
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
결핵성 뇌막염 환아의 측뇌실 계측치에 관한 연구
구자욱, 조항보, 설인준, 문수지, 이항, 이근수
한양대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Received: 20 June 1988   • Accepted: 20 June 1988
Computed tomography is a very valuable method by which the pathogenic evolution of tuberculous meningitis may be followed, thereby facillitating its differential diagnosis and controlling the effi- ciency of therapy, and assessing the degree of hydrocephalus. Fifteen cases of clinically proven intracranial tuberculosis were studied by lateral ventricular indices of brain computed tomography in our hospital during last 3 years. The results were as follows: 1) Tuberculous meningitis showed abnormal computed tomographic findings such i as hydroce- phalus (66.7%), infarction (30.8%), arachnoiditis (23.1%), calcification and tuberculoms. 2) In cases of poor clinical course, mean bifrontal CVI is 0.52 (p<0.05), mean Evans index 0.41 (p< 0.05), and mean bicaudate CVI 0.31 (p<0.05), these values are markedly larger than those of normal control group. In cases of good clinical course, mean bifrontal CVI is 0.33 (p > 0.05) mean Evans index 0.26 (p>0. 05), and mean bicaudate CVI 0.16 (p<0.05).
Key Words: Lateral ventricular index, Tuberculous meningitis

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