A Case of Congenital Anterior Urethral Diverticulum. |
Young Ho Lee, Gyu Jeon Song, Woo Yeong Chung, Moo Young Oh, Soon Yong Lee |
Department of Pediatrics, Inje Medical College, Pusan Paik Hospital, Korea |
선천성 전부 요도 게실 1례 |
이영호, 송규정, 정우영, 오무영, 이순용 |
인제의대 부산백병원 소아과학교실 |
Abstract |
Recently, we experienced a case of congenital anterior urethral diverticulum in 8-month-old male infant.
He had recurrent fever and urinary dribbling for 3 months.
The diagnosis was based on radiologic and cystoscopic findings, and anterior urethral diverticulectomy was performed.
A review of literatures was also presented briefly.
Key Words:
Anterior urethral diverticulum, Congenital anomaly.