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Diagnostric Significance of Subxiphoid Two-Dimensional Echocardiography in Congenital Heart Desease of Chlidred.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1986;29(3):296-304.
Published online March 31, 1986.
Diagnostric Significance of Subxiphoid Two-Dimensional Echocardiography in Congenital Heart Desease of Chlidred.
Kwang Do Lee, Cheol Woo Ko, Hong Bae Kim, Sang Bum Lee, Doo Hong Ahn
Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Taegu, Korea
소아 선천성 심장질환에서 Subxiphoid 양면 초음파 심에코 검사의 진단적 의의
이광도, 고철우, 김홍배, 이상범, 안두홍
경북대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Subxiphoid, two-dimensional echocardiographic examinations were performed and interpreted before diagnostic cardiac catheterization on 138 patients with suspected congenital heart disease who were from 2 months to 15 years old. Cardiac catheterization and cineangiographic examination were performed in all patients and surgery in 99 patients and comparisions were made with each other. Eighteen of nineteen patients with an atrial septal defect excluding patent foramen ovale were correctly identified and one false-negative and two false-positive studies were reported. Sixty-three of sixty-six patients with a ventricular septal defect were correctly identified and three false-negative and five false-positive studies were reported. Conotruncal malformation was correctly predicted in all thirty-seven patients especially without false-negative and false-positive studies. Thirty-seven of forty-five patients with an other congenital cardiac malformation including patent ductus arteriosus were correctly identified and eight false-negative and four false- positive studies were reported.
Key Words: Subxiphoid two-dimensional echocardiography

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