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A Clinical Observation of Anemia in Children.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1984;27(8):772-777.
Published online August 31, 1984.
A Clinical Observation of Anemia in Children.
Tae Sook Kim, Sang Bae Jeon, Bok Yang Pyun
Dept, of Pediatrics, Young Dung Po City Hospital, Seoul, Korea
시립병원 소아과 입원 환아의 빈혈에 관한 임상적 고찰
金泰淑, 全相培, 片復陽
시립영등포병원 소아과
We have observed clinically about 161 cases of anemia among 251 patients who were admitted to Y.D.P.C.H. The results were obtained as follows: 1)The incidence of anemia among total admitted patients (251) was 64.1% (161 cases). These were grouped into mild & moderate anemia(58.2%) and severe anemia (5.9%) on the base of hemoglobin level. 2)The sex ratio was aproximatly 1.5 : 1 (male : female), but it was same as that of admitted patients. 3)The peak age distribution of mild & moderate anemia was in preschool period(2~6yrs), and that of severe anemia was in infancy & childhood(1 Mo.~2 yrs). 4)The body percentile belongs below 50 percentile in most cases(52.8%). 5)Most of cases were medical protect cases(51.6%) and these reflect socioeconomic status was very important factors on anemia. 6)Precipitating factors of anemia were infection, hematologic disease, and U.G.I. bleeding in order.
Key Words: Anemia, Socioeconomic status

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