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Clinical Study of 20 Pediatric Cases of HBs Antigenemia Associated Membranous Nephropathy.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1984;27(8):760-765.
Published online August 31, 1984.
Clinical Study of 20 Pediatric Cases of HBs Antigenemia Associated Membranous Nephropathy.
Jae Seung Lee, Jung Hye Choi, Young Cherl Lee, Duk Jin Yun
Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Seoul,Korea
HBs 항원혈증을 동반한 막성 신질환환아에 대한 임상적 관찰
이재승, 최정혜, 이영철, 윤덕진
연세대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
A clinical study was done in 20 cases of HBs antigenemia associated membranous nephropathy admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Severance hospital from Jan. 1979 to May 1984. The results are as follows; 1)The age distribution was from 2 years and 5 months to 14 years, and the mean age was 7 years and 10 months. 2)Eighteen cases were male and 2 female. 3)Serum HBeAg was positive in 6 of 8 cases and Anti-HBe negative in all 8 cases were HBsAg positive in kidney tissue. 5)On admission edema was noticed in 90% and hypertension in 20% of 20 cases. 6)The laboratory data on admission showed proteinuria in 100%, proteinuria>2 g/d. in 70%, microscopic hematuria in 55%, gross hematuria in 30%, serum albumin<2 g/dl in 55 %, s. cholesterol>220 mg/dl in 85% and GFR<80 ml/min in 20%. In all the cases serum C3 level and ASO titer were normal and ANA were negative. 7)Selectivity Protein Index(SPI) was high in 6(30%) and low in 10 cases(50%). 8)The number of cases of Stage I, J, and K WAS 8(40%), 11(55%) and 1(5%), respectively. 9) All the cases with heavy proteinuria were treated with prednisolone, and the remission rate was 5(62.5%) of 8 cases in Stage I and 4(36.4%) of 11 cases in Stage I. 10)The positive rate of serum HBsAg, Anti-HBs and Anti-HBc in family members was 18.5%, 40.7% and 18.5%, respectively.
Key Words: Membranous Nephropathy, HBs Antigenemia

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