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A Case of Neonatal Hemolytic Disease due to Anti-c Isoimmunization

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1982;25(9):945-948.
Published online September 30, 1982.
A Case of Neonatal Hemolytic Disease due to Anti-c Isoimmunization
Hwan Sup Kang, Hyo Sup Joo, Chong Woo Bae, Suk Chul Kang, Chang Il Ahn
Department of Pediatrics,College of Medicine,Kyung Hee University,Seoul, Korea
抗一C 抗體에 의한 신생아 同種免疫性 용혈성 질환 1 례
강환섭, 주효섭, 배종우, 강석철, 안창일
경희대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
A 40 hours old female neonate was admitted to the Pediatric Ward of Kyung Hee Unive- rsity Hospital due to severe jaundice. Laboratory work up showed typical pictures of immune hemolytic anemia. But there was no incompatibility of ABO and Rh(D) systems between the baby and mother. Minor blood groups were examined by Reagent Red Cells Selectogen and Antigram. High titer (1 : 125) of anti-c antibody was detected in mother’s serum. Emergency exchange transfusion was performed with A, Rh(D) (+) blood, resulted in excellent recovery. This case is the first report of c-isoimmunization in Korean neonate.
Key Words: Neonatal hemolytic disease, Minor group incompatibility, Anti-C isoimmunization

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