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Form Stability Test on Gastric Aspirate and Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Newborn Baby.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1981;24(5):437-444.
Published online May 15, 1981.
Form Stability Test on Gastric Aspirate and Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Newborn Baby.
Byung Do Nam
Department of Pediatrics, st. Bendict Hospital, Korea.
신생아 위흡인액의 포말안정 검사에 관한 고찰
부산 성분도병원 소아과
Form stability test on gastric aspirate was performed on 102 cases of newborn within 30 minutes afterbirth, who were admitted to Special Care Unit of St. Benedict Hospital from Sep. 1977 to Aug. 1979, and following results were obtained. 1) There was no differnce between amniotic fluid and gastric aspirate in control group. 2) In all newborn infants with positive form stability test, respiratory distress syndrome was not developed. 3) Respiratory distress syndrome was observed in 75% by Clements method and 55% by Transwell's method in negative form stability test group. 4) The frequency of negative foam stability test and incidence of respiratory distress syndrome were higher in the group of younger gestational age, smaller body weight and lower Apgar score at birth respectively.
Key Words: Respiratory distress syndrome, gastric form stability test

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