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A Case of Renal Cell Carcinoma(Adenocarcinoma) in Nine Years Old Girl.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1979;22(8):737-743.
Published online August 15, 1979.
A Case of Renal Cell Carcinoma(Adenocarcinoma) in Nine Years Old Girl.
Chee Ok Ahn1, Sang Hak Park1, Chang Jun Coe1, Pyung Kil Kim1, Byung Soo Kim1, Jae Yun Rho2, In Jun Choi2, Sung Jin Kim3, Jin Moo Lee3
1Departments of Pediatrics and Yonsei Cancer Center, Colleage of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
2Deptartment of Pathology, Colleage of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
3Department of Urology, Colleage of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
小兒의 腎細胞癌(腺癌) 1 例
安致玉1, 朴商鶴1, 高昌陖1, 金炳吉1, 金炳洙1, 盧在胤2, 崔嶙峻2, 金成珍3, 李鎭碔3
1延世大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
2延世大學校 醫科大學 病理學敎室
3延世大學校 醫科大學 泌尿器科學敎室
A 9 years old girl has been admitted to hospital because of 5 days history of gross hem aturia. Physical examination on admission, She was eassentially normal except enlarged tonsils. Hb, Hct, WBC and Platelets were also nornal, ESR was 5mm/Hr. ASO titer was less than 1:60, C3 was 58mg%(normal:43-200mg%), BUN 11mg%, Creatinine 0.8mg% Serum cholesterol 160mg%, Total Protein 7.1mg% with albumin 4.9mg%, 24 hours urine protein 209mg and creatinine clearance 84ml/min/1.7m2. PT and PTT were also within normal range. Throat and urine cultures revealed no microorganisms. Excretory urogram, renal scan, renal angilgram showed 3.5X4cm sized space occuupying lesion on right upper pole of kidney. Right neprectomy was performed under impression of intramural wilms' tumor and followed intravenovenous injection of actinomycin D gamma/kg. Histopathological finding revealed partially clear dell type renal cell carcinoma which is extremely rare in pediatric age. Regional lymphnode and vessels disclosed no malignant cells. She received 3,000 rad radiati on on tumor bed on the 3rd postoperative day and two weeks later, hemotherapeutics were followed with actinomycin D 15 gamma/kg for 5 days per week for total 8 weeks and vincristine 1.5mg/M2/week for total 12 weeks. Six months later afeter completion of above treatment, she is doing well and attending to school.

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