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Experimental Study on Serum Electrophoretic Pattern in Starved Rabbits

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1962;5(4):244-248.
Published online December 31, 1962.
Experimental Study on Serum Electrophoretic Pattern in Starved Rabbits
Keun Soo Lee
Department of Pediatrics, The National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
榮養失調症에 關한 硏究 第 2 編 實驗 能餘家鬼의 Serum Electrophoretic Pattern의 變動에 對하여
李 議 洙
國立醫療院 小兒科
There have been a ilumber of studies on malnutrition. A number of investigators reported that the dysproteinemia is one of the outstanding phenomenon of malnutrition and it is characterized by a decrease in the albumin and the alfa and beta globulin fractions and an increase in gamma globulin and also in most cases the total protein values were decreased. Nevertheless, the author has found some different phenomenon in electrophoretic serum-protein pattern in malnutrition during his study. The author has experienced none of the case out of 51 cases with severe malnutrition has shown to be decreased in alfa 2 globulin fraction. In an endeavour to find out the cause for such phenomenon the author has studied electrophoretic serum protein pattern, especially for alfa2-globulin fraction in experimental rabbits under long standing starvation. In this experiment, well nourished healthy male rabbits were chosen for experimental study. Rabbits were divided into 3 groups, the first group was used for study on alfa2-globulin fraction changes after typhoid vaccie injection under longstanding starvationx the second group was used for a control group without typhoid vaccine injection, the third group was used for another control group with typhoid vaccine injection under normal nutritional state. The following results were obtained. 1) Longstanding starvation resulted: a)Definite decrease in total protein and albumin value. b) No decrease or some increase in alfa 2 globulin value. c) Slight decrease in beta globulin value. e) Tendency to slight increase in gamma globulin value. 2) Typhoid vaccin injection to starved rabbits resulted: Definite increase in alfa 2 globulin value, but no definite change shown in gamma globulin value. 3)Typhoid vaccine injection to rabbits without starvation resulted no significant change in any electrophoretic serum-protein pattern.

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