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Experimental Studies of Acute Liver Damage in Young White Rats

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1973;16(7):543-564.
Published online July 31, 1973.
Experimental Studies of Acute Liver Damage in Young White Rats
Chong Ku Yun
Department cf Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
幼苦白鼠에 있어서의 實驗的 急性 肝損傷에 對한 硏究
서울犬學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
This study was attempted to analysis whether there are any differences or not in the susceptibility to acute liver damage due to chemical hepato-toxic agents between young white rat and mature one. The experiment was carried out in four divided groups as follows; control group, CC14 group, chloroform group, and ethionine group. Each group was subdivided again into weight of 30 gm, 50 gm, 70 gm, 150 gm, 250 gm and 300 gm subgroups of both sexes respectively. 12 rats were studied in subgroup of normal control, whereas six rats alloted to each of experimental subgroups and only male white rats were used in ethionine group. The CC14 group was subcutaneously injected with 0.2 ml of CC14 per 100 gm of body weight, the Chloroform group similarly with 1.2 ml of Chloroform per kg, and the ethionine group given with 75 mg of ethionine per 100 gm of weight a day, divided in three times, into the peritoneal cavity. 24 hours following injections as above, performing blood sampling through femoral vein, determination of serum transaminase and serum protein electrophoresis was carried out, and after measuring weight of liver, tissue preparation with liver specimen for H-E stain, PAS stain and sudan H stain was made respectively. The results obtained are as followes; 1.In the CC14 group, weight of liver was increased in subgroups of both sexes of 50gm, female subgroup of 70 gm and subgroup of both sexes of 150 gm and 250 gm. The serum G.O.T. and G.P.T. level were increased from 3 to 6 time and 9 to 12 times respectively in all subgroups of both sexes than normal control group. The degree of hepato-lobular necrosis and fatty degeneration was observed to have only slight change in subgroups of both sexes of 30 gm, 50 gm and 70 gm, whereas remarkable changes in subgroups of 150 gm, 250 gm & 300 gm. 2.In the chloroform group, remarkable weight gain of liver was noted in subgroups of both sexes of 70 gm, 150 gm, 250 gm. An increament of serum G.O.T. level was found in subgroups of both sexes of 150 gm and 250 gm and 300 gm. The Value of serum G.P.T. was increased twice in subgroup of both sexes of 30 gm, four times both in male subgroup of 150 gift and in female subgroup of 70 gm, and three times in subgroup of 250 gm, than in normal control group. Severe degree of hepato-lobular necrosis as well as fatty degeneration was observed in subgroups of 70 gm, 150 gm, 250 gm and 300 gm, while moderate degree of changes detected in subgroups of both sexes of 30 gm and 50 gm. 3.In the ethionine group, weight gain of liver was observed gradually from subgroups of 70 gm on, and went on more subgroups of 150 gm, 250 gm and 300 gm. There was no significant increase in serum G.O.T. and G.P.T. value among the ethionine groups. The subgroup of 30 gm and 50 gm showed a mild degree of hepato-lobular necrosis and fatty degeneration, however moderate tQ severe degree of necrosis as well as degeneration was detected in subgroups of 70 gm, 150 gm, 250 igm and 300 gm. Judging from the above results, 24 hours following injection of CC14, chloroforfm and ethionine, acute liver damage observed among experimental groups was less pronounced in young white rat than in mature one.

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