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The Body Temperature of the Newly Born Premature Infants in and Out of the Incubator

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1973;16(2):100-106.
Published online February 28, 1973.
The Body Temperature of the Newly Born Premature Infants in and Out of the Incubator
Sang Man Shin
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University Seoul, Korea
未熟兒에 있어 保育器 內外 生活에 따른 體溫의 變動에 關하여
서울大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
Observations of the body temp, in and out of the incubator were made on 46 premature infants ranging in age from 2 days to 57 days and weighing from 1. 4 kg to 2.3 kg. Changes in body temperature were found in these cases. The constitutional and the environmental factors for these changes were investigated. 1)These changes in body temperature had no correlation with the sex. 2) There were significant seasonal distribution which was atributed to the changes in the environmental temperature and humidity. This could be explained by the equilibrium between heat production and loss, specific regulatory mechanism of body temperature in the newborn infant. 3)Birth weight and gestational period were not related significantly to these changes. 4)These changes were related significantly to the postnatal age and the body weight when observed, especially to the body weight. This indicated some adaptive process after birth rather than during fetal period.

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