Hemorrhagic tendency in Infants and Children(Clinical analysis of 65 cases) |
Sang Duk Cha, Hong Yul Lee, Churl Young Chung |
Dept, of Pediatrics, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea |
出血傾向을 보인 入院患兒의 臨床的 觀察 |
車 相 德, 李鴻烈, 鄭喆永 |
가톨릭醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
Sixty-five cases having homorrhagic tendency were analysed clinically. The incidence of hemorrhagic disorders was 3.2% among 2,057 in-patients through Jan. 1963 to Aug. 1966. The peak age incidence was between four and nine years, and generally male children were affected somewhat more frequently than females. In these cases, the most common hemorrhagic disorders were Anaphylactoid purpura followed by Leukemia, Idiopathic purpura, Meningococcal infection and Hemophilia in descending order, and the incidence was 30.8% (20 cases), 24.6% (16 cases), 12.3% (8 cases) and 9.2% (6 caseses) respectively. The skin lesion and the character of purpura were not significantly different both in Anaphylactoid and Idiopathic thrombocytopenic type, and the clinical manifestations alone did not show any significant meaning in differential diagnosis in Purpura. Fifteen of the 16 cases of Leukemia were acute form and only one was Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia. Among the five case of Hemophilia, one was Hemophilia B due to PTC deficiency.