A Case of Scleroderma |
B.H. Choi, W.J. Park, M.J. Shin, S.C. Kang |
Department of Pediatrics,Seoul Red Cross Hospital |
汎發性 鞏皮症 1例 |
崔鳳虎, 朴元濟, 辛美子, 姜頭哲 |
서울赤十字病院 小兒科 |
Abstract |
A case of 11 year old Korean girl with scleroderma without [involvement of G I tract and other viscera was experienced and reported with literatural review. This casejwas finally proved by skin biopsy. On admission for further evaluation, esophagogram, small intestine series Fand dental X-ray revealed normal finding. Prednisolone (2 mg/kg /day) and tocopherol (300 mg/day) were:administered. One month later repeated rontgenogram, including esophagogram, small intestine series and dental x-ray revealed no abnormalities. The skin lesion was clinically improved and up to date, she has been having her way of living without any specific disturbance.