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Two Cases of Reye’s Syndrome

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1974;17(7):505-509.
Published online July 31, 1974.
Two Cases of Reye’s Syndrome
K.C. Kim1, S.Y Hwang1, B.H Lee1, C.M Kim1
1Department of Pediatrics, Han Yang University Hospital
2Department of Pathology, Han Yang University Hospital
REYE 症候群의 2例 報告
김광정1, 황수영1, 이병호1, 김종만1
1한양대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2한양대학교 의과대학병리과학교실
Authors observed two cases of Reye’s Syndrome. Case 1, 15 month old female had high fever and diarrhea at onset and 2 days later followed by coma. Another case, 13 year old male, had grippe like symptoms and 3 days later showed convulsion and coma. Clinical finding, increased serum transaminase level and blood ammonia level were compatible with this syndrome and liver biopsy showed fatty infiltration of liver. Brief review of related literatures were presented

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