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Volume 24(4); Apr 1981
Original Articles
A Study of Estimation of Maturity of the Newborn Newborn Infant by Neurologic Examination and by Analysis of Creatinine in: Amniotic Fluid and Cord Blood.
Song Soo Moon
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(4):289-297.   Published online April 15, 1981
Creatinine valuesin the amniotic fluid and cord blood were studied in 28 pregnancies. A scoring system ofr gestational age in the nursery room, based on 6 neurologic and 6 physical maturity, has been applied to that 28 newborn infants sampled. They were admitted to the Obstetric Ward and the Nursery Room of the Cho Sun University Hospital between May 1979...
Comparison of Ampicillin, Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole and Rifampin therapy for Shigellosis in Admitted patients.
Jae Phil Kim, Hyang Suk Yoon, Gong Ihn Kwun, Hyung Suck Byun, Kyung Yonng Huh, Chull Sohn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(4):298-303.   Published online April 15, 1981
Forty-Five cases of Shigellosis were treated with Ampicillin, TMP/SMX and Rifampin from April 1980. to November 1980. Of the 18 strains of shigellae, in-vitro sensitivity test was performed against twelve antimicrobial agents. The percentage of resistant strains was 77.8% in Ampicillin and 100% in TMP/SMX. Inhibition zone diameter by Rifampin disc was 8~10mm in all cases and clinical improvement with...
Statistical Studies on Pediatric Emergency Room Patients.
Jong Han Lee, Jong Soon Kim, Dong Gi Shin, Hyun Sook Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(4):304-310.   Published online April 15, 1981
The authors reviewed 1134 pediatric patients in the ebergency room in this hospital during 5 years period from Jan. 1979. to Dec. 1979. The results were obtained as follows: 1) Among the patients visiting the emergency room, the patients under 15 years of age were 6.1%(1134) of total emergency patients(18447). 2) The male to female ratio was 1.5:1. 3) The...
A Climical Observation of Tetanus Neonatorum.
Sung Koo Park, Hyang Sook Kim, Dong Hak Shin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(4):311-318.   Published online April 15, 1981
Total 48 cases of the patients of neonatal tetanus, who were admitted and evaluated in our pedi dept from JAN. 1970 to Dec. 1975 and from Jan to Dec. 1979, are summerized with following result. 1) The number of patients yearly means were about 6~7 cases and the over all motality was 48.4%. 2) The sex ratio was 2:1(male: female)....
Clinical Review of Tuberculosis in Childhood.
Hye Ran Lee, Woon Sik Kim, Don Hee Ahn, Keun Chan Sohn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(4):319-328.   Published online April 15, 1981
A clinical review was made on 152 cases of tuberculosis who had been admitted at pediatric department, National Medical Center during the period of 10 years from January, 1969 to December, 1978. The following results were obtained. 1.There noted no difference of annual incidence throughout the study years. 2. The highest age incidence was in the group of 1 to 3 years...
The Clinical Study on 100 Cases of Congenital Syphillis.
Jheog Hee Hahn, Ok Sung Chung, Mi Seon Lee, Young Shin Kwark, Mi Seon Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(4):329-335.   Published online April 15, 1981
The authors studied 100 cases of congenital syphilis in the newborn treated at II Sin. Women* s Hospital from 1st August 1978 to 31st July 1979. 71 infants were born in the hospital and 29 were admitted from the out patient department. The results were as follows 1.The incidence of congenital syphilis was 1% of live born deliveries. 2. Incidence of...
Clinical Observation of Pediatric Empyema.
Ai Ryung Kim, Bok Kun Kee, Myung Ho Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(4):336-342.   Published online April 15, 1981
Forth cases of empyema in children were observed during last 6 years from Jan. 1973 to Dec. 1978. The results were followed; 1.The ratio of male to female was 2.3:1. The most frequent age group was below 1 year (32.5%). 2.Incidence was more common in spring and winter(65%). 3.Symptoms on admission were fever (92.5%), dyspnea(72. 5%) cough(62. 5%) and chest pain...
Clinical Study on Foreign body Aspiration and Aspiration Pneumonia.
Dong Soo Kim, Ki Choon Kim, Ki Young Lee, Duck Jin Yun
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(4):343-351.   Published online April 15, 1981
A clinical study was done on 177 cases of inpatients, who had been admitted under the diagnosis of aspiration pneumonia and foreign body aspiration at the Department of Pedia-trics, Yonsei University College of Medicine from Jan. 1965 to Dec. 1977. The results were obtained as follows: 1)Children below 5 years old(59.3%) are prone to aspirate and it is more common in...
Routine Skull Roentgenograms in Management of Infants and Children with Conversions.
Sin Hyang Kim, Young Keun Kim, In Kee Paik, Chin Moo Kang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(4):352-357.   Published online April 15, 1981
Convulsions are common in childrens and the skull radiogram is often integral part of a routine work up in patients with convulsions. We studied the skull roentgenograms performed as part of the routine work up of the children with convulsions to evaluate our own experience concerning the contribution of routine skull roentgenograms to the diagnosis and the management of convulsions....
Case Reports
A Family of Benign Familial Hematuria.
Ran Namkung, Jun Hee Sul, Pyung Kil Kim, In Joon Choi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(4):358-366.   Published online April 15, 1981
We experienced cases with benign familial hematuria in two siblings and their mother in family. They showed asymptomatic persistent hematuria with episodic gross hematuria of 4 to 6 years duration without clinical or laboratory evidence of impaired renal function. There was a history of deafness in a brother and sister of maternal cousin. Other family members showed normal urinalysis...
Recurrent Guillain-Barr'e Syndrome.
Kyo Sun Kim, Jae Song Kim, Pyung Kil Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(4):367-450.   Published online April 15, 1981
This paper presents a case of^recurrent Guillain-Barre syndrome in a 13 year-old boy. Recu-rrent rate is variable but almost all of the authors expressed it was very rare and some of them recurred more than two times and and its interval also variable from few months to 17 years. In our case, he developed a typical ascending, symmetric motor paralysis...
Caroli's Disease.
Jong Hoon Park, In Hyun Cho, Sun Ja Lee, Dong Hyuk Kum, Soo Dong Pai
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(4):401-406.   Published online April 15, 1981
Caroli*s disease, a rare syndrome characterized by congenital, segmental saccular dilatation of intrahepatic bile ducts, is first described by Caroli & associaties in 1958. It is though by many to be part of spectrum of congenital hepatic fibrosis. The disease usually presents with bile stasis and stone formation with further complication arising from recurrent cholangitis and liver abscess. The preoperative diagnosis...
A Case of Lactobezoar After Operation for Ileal Atresia.
Ock Seung Jeong, Ai Sunn Choi, Mi Sun Kim, Toung Shin Kwark, Jeong Woo Yang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(4):407-409.   Published online April 15, 1981
We experienced a case of lactobe玄dar in a premature neWbcirn infant who underwent Iresec-tion and end-to-end anastomosis for ileal atresia. Lactobezoar was removed by vomiting on 17 th day postoperatively. Microscopic examination of the bezoar revealed fat globules and qualitative analysis was not performed. No more lactobezoar was found by roentgenologic study and baby was discharged. It may be resulted...
Problem Case Conference
Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome.
No author name in English No author name in English, No author name in English No author name in English
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1981;24(4):410-412.   Published online April 15, 1981
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