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Cardiovascular Effects of Growth Hormone Treatment in Idiopathic Short Stature

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1997;40(8):1149-1155.
Published online August 15, 1997.
Cardiovascular Effects of Growth Hormone Treatment in Idiopathic Short Stature
Hyang Ok Woo, Dong Wook Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Gyeongsang National University College of Medicine Chinju, Korea
특발성 저신장증 환아에서 성장호르몬 투여시 심혈관 기능에 미치는 영향
우향옥, 김동욱
경상대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
: An excess of GH causes various problems within the cardiovascular system including cardiac hypertrophy and abnormalities of left ventricle(LV) function. To evaluate the cardiovascular effects due to GH treatment in idiopathic short stature (ISS), we measured the cardiovascular function.
: Twenty-two echocardiographic studies were performed in ISS who were admitted from Jan. 1994 through Jul. 1996, and they were divided into two groups which revealed in 11 children with GH treatment and in 11 children without GH treatment.
: The results obtained were as follows, 1) The mean HR in GH group was significantly lower than that of control group(79.9¡¾ 12/min vs. 90.2¡¾9/min) (p< 0.05), and the mean BP was the GH group 81.6¡¾10mmHg and control group 77.7¡¾7mmHg. 2) The mean LV isovolumic contraction time(LICT) in GH group was significantly longer than that of control group (35.6¡¾3 vs. 32.3¡¾2) (p=0.01), but within normal limits. And in GH group, the mean shortening fraction(SF), mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening(mVcf), and systolic time interval(STI) were 33.9¡¾3%, 0.99¡¾0.2cir/sec, and 0.15¡¾0.04, respectively. In control group, the mean those values were 33.4¡¾5%, 0.95¡¾0.2cir/ sec, and 0.15¡¾0.04, respectively. 3) In GH group, the mean isovolumic relaxation time(IRT), peak E velocity(E), peak A velocity(A), and Ea/Aa ratio were 0.05¡¾0.01sec, 113.5¡¾18cm/sec, 60.5¡¾14cm/sec, and 3.9¡¾2, respectively. In control group, the mean those values were 0.06¡¾0.01sec, 117¡¾1.4 cm/sec, 56.8¡¾13cm/sec, and 4.7¡¾2, respectively. 4) In GH group, the mean cardiac index(CI) and systemic vascular resistance(SVR) were 4304¡¾1660ml/min/m2 and 6330¡¾764mmHg/ml. In control group, the mean those values were 3835¡¾838ml/min/m2 and 6218¡¾588mmHg/ml.
: These results suggest that the cardiovascular effects did not differ from those in the controls and remained within the normal range after a mean GH treatment duration of 6.2 months.
Key Words: Idiopathic short stature, Growth hormone therapy, Cardiovascular effect

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