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Clinical Study of Post-Traumatic Seizure in Childhood and Adolescence

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1999;42(2):227-232.
Published online February 15, 1999.
Clinical Study of Post-Traumatic Seizure in Childhood and Adolescence
Jang Weon Moon, Soo Ahn Chae, Dong Keun Lee
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Chung Ang University, Seoul, Korea
소아 및 청소년기에서 외상후 경련발작(Post-Traumatic Seizure)의 임상적 고찰
문장원, 채수안, 이동근
중앙대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
: As morbidity and mortality resulting from physical trauma have significantly increased, the importance of trauma concerning medical, legal, and socioeconomic issues has been widely documented. Studies of post-traumatic seizure after head trauma have been reported, but mostly in adults. So this study was performed to analyse clinical findings on head trauma patients under 20 years of age.
: The medical records of 230 patients under 20 years of age, who were admitted as head trauma to Chung Ang University hospital from January 1993 till May 1997, were reviewed.
: The overall incidence of post-traumatic seizure was 32 of 230 patients in this study. The incidence per age was 16.7% in less than 5 year, 12.2% in 6-10 year, 11.4% in 11-15 year, and 14.9% in 16-20 year. We found incidences of post-traumatic seizure in cases with depressed skull fracture(44.4%), subdural hematoma(28.6%), subarachnoid hemorrhage(28.6%) and intracerebral hemorrhage(21.1%). Of the 230 patients with head trauma, 2.2% had an immediate-onset seizure, 2.6% an early-onset seizure and 9.1% a late-onset seizure. Of the patients with post- traumatic seizure, abnormal EEG findings were found in 50%. EEG abnormalities were slowing (46.2%) and spike(3.8%). Recurrence rate of post-traumatic seizure was 21.9% in this study. We found a high incidence of recurrence in cases of depressed skull fracture, subdural hematoma and epidural hematoma.
: Considering the great influence of seizure on a child’s development and long-term prognosis, prevention based on post-traumatic seizure risk assessment is important and antiepileptic prophylaxis should be considered as risk factors.
Key Words: Post-traumatic seizure, Childhood, Adolescence

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