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Comparison Study of Initial and Recurrent Intussuception in Children.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1989;32(10):1353-1359.
Published online October 31, 1989.
Comparison Study of Initial and Recurrent Intussuception in Children.
Eun Kyoung Sohn1, Byoung Soo Cho1, Sung Ho Cha1, Chang Il Ahn1, Soo Myung Oh2
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Pediatric Surgery, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea
소아 장중첩증에 있어서 초발례와 재발례의 비교 관찰
손은경1, 조병수1, 차성호1, 안창일1, 오수명2
1경희대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2경희대학교 의과대학 소아외과학교실
Received: 8 March 1989   • Accepted: 15 June 1989
We performed statistcial evaluation on initial intussusception, 426 cases,and recurrent intussuscep- tion, 40 cases (28 children), recurred more than one time among 426 cases of initial intussusception which were managed in the depratment of pediatrics and the department of pediatric surgery at Kyung Hee University Hospital from Jan. 1983 to Dec. 1987. The results were as follows: 1) The peak incidence was found in less than one year old in both groups: initial cases: 80.5%, recurrent cases: 68.6%. 2) The recurrence rates were 7.5% in males and 10.5% in females. Overall recurrence rate was 8. 6%. 3) Ileocolic intussusception was the most common type in the both groups: initial cases: 49.3%, recurrent cases: 35% 4) Previous history of associated disease was found in 50.5% of the initial cases and in 55% of recurrent cases. 5) Recurrence occurred most frequently within 7 months after initial cases (77.5%). 6) Operative reduction in initial cases (31.7%) was more than that in recurrent cases (17.5%). So it was suggested that in recurrent cases the bowel had the tendency of intussusception and it was reduced easily by barium enema, compared with initial cases. 7) The recurrence rate of barium reduction was 10.5% and that of operative reduction was 3.6%.
Key Words: Intussusception

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