Clinical and serological diagnosis of Japanese B encephalitis and about it’s difference |
Kyu Cha Kim |
Department of Pediatrics,Medical School, Jeonbug National University |
夏期腦炎의 臨床的 診斷과 血淸學的 診斷 및 그 差에 關하여
金圭次 |
全北大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
Seventy-nine patients of the Japanese B encephalitis, that were initially diagnosed by clinical findings, were examined employing hemagglutination inhibition(HI) test 2 times at interval of one week, and the correlation between clinical findings and results of HI test was investigated. The results obtained as follows.
1)Among 79 patients who were initially diagnosed with Japanese B encephalitis by clinical findings, 26. 5 per cents had a positive titers in HI test. 2)There were no difference between HI positive and negative groups in the seasonal incidence, age distribution, clinical symptoms, neurological signs and findings of cerebrospinal fluid. 3)The peripheral leukocytosis were observed in both groups. 4)The sequela incidence of Japanese B encephalitis was about 15 per cent, and among them quadriplegia and speech disturbance were more prominent. 5)No correlation between the onset duration and consciousness states on admission was founds