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Case Report
D.S. Na, J.K. Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1968;11(6):317-320.   Published online June 30, 1968
A case of craniopharyngioma occurred in a 4| year old female is presented. The patient was admitted with chief complaints of visual disturbance, polyuria and progressive general emaciation. The diagnosis was made by clinical findings, radiological evidences and histopathological findings of tumor which was removed on the Sella Turcica neurosurgically. The patient was relatively well responded after surgical operation, and...
Original Article
Detection of A.F.B. through Gastric Analysis from T.B. Children
D.S. Na
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1968;11(4):181-184.   Published online April 30, 1968
On gastric lavage, detection of M. tuberculosis by cultures and smear methods was attempted on 634 pulmonary tuberculous children who had been diagnosed. The following results were obtained. The total yield of positive bacteriologic demonstration was 18.3 percent, detection by culture were 18 percent and 2.9 porcent by smear methodi. The presence of M. tuberculosis was demonstrated either by culture or by smear methods...