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Case Report
A Case of Hemimelia
Young Chirl Moon, Hyo Hee Lim, Shin Ho Park
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1973;16(6):490-495.   Published online June 30, 1973
The authors encountered a hemimelia patient characterized by bilateral absence of forearm and hand. The literature was reviweed briefly.
Original Article
Clinical Studies of 80 Cases of Amebic Dysentery in Children
Young Chirl Moon, Hyo Hee Lim, Shin Ho Park
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1973;16(1):12-20.   Published online January 31, 1973
From July 1970 to December 1971, 80 children with amebic dysentery at Seoul Adventist Hospital, which is situated on the near outskirts of Seoul city, were observed. The results were as follow: 1) Concerning the seasonal difference, the highest incidence was found in June, July, August and September. The incidence was highest in the summer when many foods come out. 2)Intermediary foods...
Case Report
Young Chirl Moon, Shin Ho Park, Young Soon Yun
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1972;15(10):959-964.   Published online October 31, 1972
In the newborn infant, tongue-tie presents occasionally a minor difficulty in nursing, either in taking the breast or bottle. In regard to the breast, especially if the nipple is short or retracted, there may- be some difficulty, but this can be corrected by gentle massage of the mother’s nipple, not after she has been delivered but in the last month of gestation. Historically, some...