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Original Article
Apoptosis, P53, bax and Bcl-2 Protein Expressions in Neonatal rat Hippocampus by Kainic Acid-induced Seizure
Shin Weon Yun, Soo Ahn Chae, Eung sang Choi, Byoung Hoon Yoo
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2000;43(1):85-96.   Published online January 15, 2000
Purpose : Apoptosis is a process of active cell death which has been suggested to be part of hippocampal cell loss caused by kainic acid(KA). Immature rats showed higher susceptibility and mortality to KA but did not develop recurrent seizure, long term behavioral or neuropathologic changes. We investigated whether this was due to age-dependent resistance, and elucidated the molecular mechanics which mediate P53-induced apoptosis,...