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Volume 22(1); Jan 1979
Original Articles
The Electrocardiographic and Vectorcardiographic Findings of Tetralogy of Fallot.
Chang Yee Hong, Jung Yean Choi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(1):13-19.   Published online January 15, 1979
The electrocadiographic and vectorcardiographic findings were reviewed in 49 cases of tetralogy of Fallot, confirmed by cardiac catheterization and angiocardiographic findings and/or, by surgery. In most cases, the electrocardiographic findings were right axis deviation and right ventricular hypertrophy. Vectorcardiographic findings were as following; 1) The initial vector directed to anterior and slightly left or right. 2) The maximum vector directed...
Clinicopathological Observation in 9 Nephrotic Children with Mesangial Proliferative Glomerulonephritis.
Kyu Chan Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(1):20-29.   Published online January 15, 1979
Histopathological findings, clinical picture, various laboratory data and correlation of them to response of the patients to steroid therapy were analyzed in 9 nephrotic who had been admitted to the Seoul National University Hospital during the period of 3 years and 6 months from March of 1975 till September of 1978, and who were confirmed to have pure mesangial proliferative...
Status of Ascaris Lumbricoides Infection in Slum Population of Suburban Seoul.
Jong Koo Yun, Seung Yull Cho, Byung Seol Seo
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(1):30-36.   Published online January 15, 1979
The purpose of this study was to findout the characteristics of helminthic infection, especially. those of Ascaris lumbricoides infection in the slum, population residing in suburban Seoul. This study was conducted on 301 slum residents in Machun-Dong, Kangnam-Ku, Seoul on August, 1977. The results of this study could be summarized, as follows: 1) The prevalence rate of Ascaris lumbricoides among...
Clinicostatical Observation on Hevolytic streptococcal Infections.
Ho Jin Lee, Hyung Sik Moon, Jong Suk Lee, Don Hee Ahn, Keun Chan Sohn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(1):37-45.   Published online January 15, 1979
A clinocostatistical observation was made on 191 cases of inpatients & 42 cases of out-patients, who had beem admitted or controlled but to streptococcal infections & its related diseases at the Department of pediatrics, N.M.C. from Jan. 1971 to Dec. 1977. The results were obtained as follows: 1) The streptococcal infections occupied 3.6% of all the inpatients(5,317) during the period....
Clinical and Statistical Studies on Pediatric Emergency Room Patients.
Son Sang Seo, Chong Uh Lee, Chan Yung Kim, Jong Woo Shin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(1):46-53.   Published online January 15, 1979
We have reviewed 9009 pediatric age group patiests visiting the emergency room in Busan National University Hospital during the last 8 years and 8 months period from Jan. 1st., 1970 to Aug. 31st.,1978. The clincal and statistical results were obtained in this stydy as following: 1. Of the total 40406 patients visiting the emergency room, the patients under 15years of...
Case Reports
Two cases of athyrotic cretinism.
Taik Kill Kim, Kyung Jaa Bang, Kun Soo Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(1):54-59.   Published online January 15, 1979
Two cases of athyrotic cretinism in a five months old male infant and one month old female infant were Presented. Diagnosis was established by clinical features, thyroid scintigram. X-ray survey of skeletal maturation as biochemical studies. Pertinent literatures were also briefly reviewed.
One Cases of Chylus Ascites.
Kyung Hee Yoo, Chul Ho Kim, Myung Hi Shin, Jong Young Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(1):60-63.   Published online January 15, 1979
A 2-month old female infant was admitted to the department of pediatrics because of abd ominal distension, failure to thrive & constipation, Paracentesis was done & revealed milkyyellowish fluid like chyle. The clinical symptoms, signs & laboratory findings were compatible with chylus ascites.
Two Cases of Lead Poisoning After Taking Herb Pills, Hwangdan (Red Lead).
Sung Young Ha, Kui Wen Kang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(1):64-70.   Published online January 15, 1979
Acute lead encephalopathy in a 5-year-old boy and asymptomatic lead poisoning in a 7- year-old boy were developed after taking about 2 to 3 grams of the herb pills named Hwa. ngdan (Red Lead) a day for 2 months. Whole blood lead level was 135microgram/100ml in acute lead encephalopathy and 42 microgram/100ml in asymptomatic lead poisoning.