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Case Report
A Case of Scleroderma
B.H. Choi, W.J. Park, M.J. Shin, S.C. Kang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1975;18(1):83-86.   Published online January 31, 1975
A case of 11 year old Korean girl with scleroderma without [involvement of G I tract and other viscera was experienced and reported with literatural review. This casejwas finally proved by skin biopsy. On admission for further evaluation, esophagogram, small intestine series Fand dental X-ray revealed normal finding. Prednisolone (2 mg/kg /day) and tocopherol (300 mg/day) were:administered. One month later...
Case Report
A Case of Bacterial Endocarditis with Neurological Complication in Childhood
W.J. Park, M.J Shin, K.S Yang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1972;15(7):678-683.   Published online July 31, 1972
A 14 year-old boy was admitted to Pediatric Department, complaining of high fever over a week and a sudden onset of left hemiplegia which just developed one day prior to admission. Under the diagnosis of bacterial endocarditis due to staphylococcus aureus complicated with central nervous system involvement, he had been on massive antibiotic treatment according to sensitivity test for causative organisms as well as...