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Clinical Lecture
Developmental Test in Children
Sa Jun Chung, In Kyung Sung, Hee Ju Kim, Young Joung Woo, Mun Hyang Lee, Son Moon Shin
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2002;45(7):817-821.   Published online July 15, 2002
Original Article
Clinical observation of small for gestational age.
Young Zong Oh, Cheol Hee Hwang, Young Youn Choi, Young Joung Woo, Tai Ju Hwang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(1):41-48.   Published online January 31, 1991
Small for gestaional age (SGA) is an entity which we have been slow to recognize in both pediatrics and obstetrics, despite its common occurrence and rather dramatic clinical manifestations. The goal of this study is to be enable all physicians involved in perinatal medical care focus their attention on the fact that infants of the same size but very different gestational ages are...