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Volume 27(2); Feb 1984
Original Articles
The Statistical Studies on the Emergency Room Patients Under the 15 years of Age.
Kyu Hyung Lee, Sung Ho Cha, Yoon Taik Kim, Don Hee Ahn, Keun Chan Sohn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(2):111-121.   Published online February 28, 1984
The studies were carried out to analyze the emergency patient visited to the emergency room of the National Medical Center under the 15 years of during the three-year period from Jan., 1980 to Dec., 1982. The results were obtained as below. 1)During the 3-year periods, the total number of emergency patients under the 15 years of age was 4,212. 2)Forty...
The Clinical Studies of Mongolian Spot in Newborns.
B Y Han, D L Lee, B L Lee, E B Kwon, S I An
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(2):122-127.   Published online February 28, 1984
Five hundred fifty consecutively born full-term neonates, delivered at Eul Ji General Hospital, were examined for the presence of Mongolian spots (MS). The spots were found in 81.9% of male children, and in 85% of female children. The sacrogluteal region was the most frequent site of pigmentation, with the coccyx next in frequency. The color was most frequently blue-green, but was...
A Study on Neonatal Hypoglycemia.
Oh Young Kwon, Chan Lak Son, Haeng Mi Kim, Kuhn Soo Lee, Doo Hong Ahn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(2):128-134.   Published online February 28, 1984
A clinical study was conducted on 23 neonates with hypoglycemia, who had been admitted to the Neonatal ICU of KNU hospital during years period from January 1980 to June 1983. Diagnosis was established by Dextrostix and Eyetone reflectometer, and following results were obtained. Out of total 599 neonates (excluding normal full-term babies), 23 revealed hypoglycemia (3.8%). The incidences of hypoglycemia...
Cardiac Involvement of Kawasaki Disease.
Gu Soo Kim, Kyu Gap Hwang, Byung Kwan Sohn, Jung Yun Choi, Yong Soo Yun, Chang Yee Hong
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(2):135-145.   Published online February 28, 1984
Twenty-nine cases of Kawasaki disease, who were admitted to the Dept, of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Hospital, were evaluated on the incidence, clinical signs and laboratory findings of cardiovascular system. Among them two patients were excluded from the incidence of cardiac involvement: One with incomplete study died at home on 22nd day after the onset, and the other was referred because...
Acute Renal Failure in Children.
Chan Lak Son, Sun Hwan Chung, Yong Hoon Park, Kuhn Soo Lee, Ja Hoon Koo
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(2):146-155.   Published online February 28, 1984
A clinical study was conducted on 76 children with acute renal failure who had been admitted to the Pediatric Department of Kyungpook National University Hospital during 2.2years period from January 1981 to June 1983, and following results were obtained.Age distribution revealed 19 out of total 76 cases (25%) being infants under 1 year of age and otherwise even distribution was...
Clinical Studies of Convulsive Diseases in Children.
Kyung Ho Kim, Young Kyoung Park, Ki Bok Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(2):156-163.   Published online February 28, 1984
The authors reviewed 371 pediatric convulsive patients admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Kwangju Christian Hospital during the 3-year-period from Oct. 1st, 1979 through Sep. 30th, 1982. There were 227 boys and 144 girls. The following observations are made: 1)The most common cause of convulsions in children was encephalitis (20.0%), followed by menigitis(18.3%), febrile convulsion(18.1%), and idiopathic epilepsy (12.4%). 2)Convulsions were...
Case Reports
A Case of Chronic Active Hepatitis with Vertical Transmission.
T H Son, T S Song, H J Park, M J Shin, J G Chi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(2):164-169.   Published online February 28, 1984
We experienced a case of Chronic Active Hepatitis with vertical transmission in a 4-year-3-month old boy. Diagnosis of CAH was confirmed by histologic features of liver biopsy. The mode of infection in this case was suspected as vertical transmission by clinical history. His mother had acute hepatitis B in the last trimester of the pregnancy of this boy and had...
A Case of Gastroschisis.
Hye Kyung Lee, Hyo Jung Kim, Ran Suh, Hyang Sook Kim, Jin Koo Kang, Sung Woo Shin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(2):170-173.   Published online February 28, 1984
Gastroschisis is a rare congenital defect in the anterior abdominal wall through which abdominal organs eviscerate. A normal umbilical cord insertion, an extraumbilical location of the abdominal wall defect, and the absence of a covering sac or its ruptured remnants serve to differentiate gastroschisis from omphalocele. A case of gastroschisis to which surgical intervention was not helpful was presented and a...
A Case of Chylous Ascites with Chylothorax.
Koae Jong Park, Sang Hyun Byun, Jeong Soon Hwang, Yong Hun Chung
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(2):174-177.   Published online February 28, 1984
The authors experienced a case of chylous ascites with chylothorax, who was 4-month-old male infant. The clinical symptoms, signs and laboratory findings were compatible with chylothorax and chylous ascites. Clinical study and review of literature were presented briefly.
A Case of Primary Lung Cancer(Squamous cell ca) in Children.
Yong Ae Kim, So Kyung Park, Dong Hak Shin, Sang Suk Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(2):178-183.   Published online February 28, 1984
This paper presented a case of primary lung cancer (squamous cell ca) in children, found a 12 years old boy. This patient was presented chief complaints of respiratory difficulty, procuctive cough and high fever. Diagnosis of lung cancer was made thuough bronchoschopic biopsy of bronchus with sputum cytology. We thought this is unusual case and we reviewed literatures and could not find the...
A Case of Supravalvular Stenotic Ring of the Left Atrium associated with VSD and PDA.
Chung Il Noh, Jung Yun Choi, Yong Soo Yoon, Chang Yee Hong, Kyung Mo Yeon, Joon Ryang Rho
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(2):184-190.   Published online February 28, 1984
Supravalvular stenotic ring of the left atrium is one of the rare anomalies, which is usually accompanied by other cardiac defects. It is very important to recognize its existence earlier and preoperatively. Main tools in. diagnosis are angiocardiography and echocardiography. We have experienced a patient with supravalvular stenotic ring of the left atrium with coexisted with VSD and PDA. M-mode...
2 Cases of Congenital Asplenia Syndrome.
Hyo Sup Joo, Chung Hye Chu, Byoung Soo Cho, Kyoo Hwan Rhee, Sa Jun Chung, Chang Il Ahn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(2):191-196.   Published online February 28, 1984
The asplenia syndrome is rare, characterized by congenital abscence of spleen, cardiovascular anomalies and other malformations or malpositions such as total or partial situs inversus, symmetrical lobulation of the liver and/or lung. Associated multiple complex cardiovascular anomalies include common atrioventricular canal, pulmonary stenosis or atresia, anomalous venous drainage and transposition of great vessels. Two-dimensional echocardiography allows the accurate non invasive...
A Case of Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome complicated by Coronary Aneurysm.
Phil Joun Song, Chung Hye Chu, Kyoo Hwan Rhee, Yong Mook Choi, Chang Il Ahn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(2):197-201.   Published online February 28, 1984
We have recently experienced a case of mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome complicated by coronary aneurysm. He was suspected by two-dimensional echocardiographic examination and confirmed by the angiography of aorta. A brief review of related literatures was made.
A Case of Congenital Porencephalic Cyst.
Hong Gyu Park, Man Jin Chung, Jong Doo Kim, Myung Hi Shin, Ji Sub Oh
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(2):202-206.   Published online February 28, 1984
We experienced a congenital porencephalic cyst with hydrocephalus in a 12 days old female premature infant who was suffered from meningitis. Brain CAT confirmed the diagnosis of porencephaly. Therapy consisted of systemic antibiotics and ventriculo-peritoneal shunt with good effect. She has been in good condition without convulsion or other neurologic sequelae thereafter. A brief review of the related literature was...
A Case of Treacher Collins Syndrome.
Hee Shang Youn, Koo Soo Kim, Hyung Ro Moon
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(2):207-212.   Published online February 28, 1984
The authors report a 5-year old boy who showed the abnormalities comprising relatively complete from of Treacher Colilns syndrome. These include hypoplasia of malar and mandibular bones, antimongoloid slant of palpebral fissures, colobomata of lower eyelids with defective eyelashes on medial sides, projection of scalp hair onto lateral cheeks, malformed auricles, complete atresia of both external auditory canals with defective...
Corrected transposition of great articles.
Kwang Wook Ko, Je Geun Chi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(2):213-216.   Published online February 28, 1984