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Volume 22(3); Mar 1979
Original Articles
Study of School food Service.
D J Yun, T E Kim, H Y Moon, H K Lee, J S Oh, K Y Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(3):181-212.   Published online March 15, 1979
In 1977, we received a gnant from the Ministy of Education for drewing up an improve- ment plan of school feeding, with which we analyzed and invetsigated past and present feedling programs. We came to the following conclusion and proposed several items for improvement of feedling. A) Subject of Investgation: All the elementary schools throughout the country were classified into 6 regions (categonies) They are as...
Clinical Observation of Type A Hepatitis in Children.
Byung Churl Lee, Du Bong Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(3):213-222.   Published online March 15, 1979
We observed 241 cases of type A hepatitis who were admitted to pediatric department of St. Mary`s Hospital, Cathlic Medial College from Jan. 1,1968 to Dec. 31,1977, and the following results were obtained. 1. Annual incidence was the highest in 1975 and lowest in 1969, but wr observedno significant difference. 2. Seasonal incidence was high in Autumn and Winter, and...
Clinical Assessment on Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus.
Sang Bok Suk, Hyo Sup Ahn, Yong Choi, Kwang Wook Ko
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(3):223-233.   Published online March 15, 1979
Eleven cases of juvenile diabetes mellitus who were admitted Seoul National University Hospital from Jan., 1969 to Aug., 1978 were aha1yzed. The mean age of onset was 7 and female to male ratio was 8 to 3 with female preponderance. Four had family history of diabetes, although none had diabetic sibling. Polyuria and polydipsia were noted in all cases as...
Case Reports
A Case of Fibrous Dysplasia.
Jung Soo Kim, Young Mo Sohn, Jae Song Kim, Duk Hi Kim, Kyoung Ja Cho
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(3):234-238.   Published online March 15, 1979
Fibrous dysplasia of bone is a relatively rare condition characterized by fibrous tissue replacement of skeleton, usually not disabling, of slow progress, and showing a tendency to become arrested. It may be monostotic (confined to one bone) or Polyostotic (situated in many bones). The etiology of fibrous dysplasia is unkown but it is now believed to be a developmental error...
A Cses of Hereditary Cerebellar Ataxia in Brothers.
In Bok Lee, Jon Gerl Lee, Chang Soo Ra
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(3):239-244.   Published online March 15, 1979
We experienced two suspected cases of hereditary cerebellar ataxia of ten years and right years aged boys who brothers. The patients manifested progressive wide base ataxic gait, incordination, intention tremor, impaired balance and dysarthria. A bries review of related literature is also presented.