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Outcome of Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Asian Children: A Multinational One-year Follow-up Study
Pornthep Tanpowpong, Suporn Treepongkaruna, James Huang, Kee Seang Chew, Karen Mercado, Almida Reodica, Shaman Rajindrajith, Wathsala Hathagoda, Yoko Wong, Way Seah Lee, Marion Aw
Background: Epidemiological data on pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (PIBD) have been reported in Asian countries. However, short-term follow-up data, especially in Southeast Asian countries, are limited.
Purpose: Analyze and compare the baseline and 1-year follow-up (1FU) data for PIBD in Asian children. Methods: The multinational network included patients with PIBD (aged <19 years) in five Asian countries (Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore,...
Value of the International Classification of Diseases code for identifying children with biliary atresia
Pornthep Tanpowpong, Chatmanee Lertudomphonwanit, Pornpimon Phuapradit, Suporn Treepongkaruna
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2021;64(2):80-85.   Published online August 24, 2020
Question: What is the value of the diagnostic code in identifying cases of biliary atresia in a large administrative database?
Finding: The diagnostic code’s accuracy and sensitivity are acceptable for identifying algorithm-defined cases. A history of pale stool and a presumed diagnosis of biliary atresia prior to referral added value.
Meaning: The addition of clinical data to the diagnostic code significantly increased the diagnostic yield.