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선천성 심질환의 예후 및 수술시기
Sangwoo Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1976;19(7):458-460.   Published online July 31, 1976
The Clinical Study for The Rebound Phenomenon After The Exchange Transfusion In Neonate
KookChoo Rie, SangWoo Kim, SoonYoung Kim, ChongKoo Yun
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1972;15(12):1104-1111.   Published online December 31, 1972
57 newborn infants who were underwent exchange transfusion in Seoul National University Hospital from Jan. 1970 to Sept. 1972 were analysed. (1) 44% of the cases(25 cases among 57 cases) needed repeated exchange transfusions. (2) There was a tendency of requring the:repeated exchange transfusion when the first exchange transfusion was underwent in an earlier age. ⑶ ...