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Volume 15(11); Nov 1972
Respiratory Virus Vaccines and Various Problems on Immunization
Y. Okuno
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(11):975-984.   Published online November 30, 1972
8 Cases of Lethal Neurological Complications in Conjunction Triple D.P.T. Vaccinations in Korea
Hahn Woong Choe, Tae Woon Kim, S.W Kim, S.M Shin, Y Choi, H.J Lee, H.J Chang, K.G Park, H.S Ahn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(11):985-1002.   Published online November 30, 1972
Single diphtheria or tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine have been innoculated under the specific needs since nineteen thirties in Korea. Although some minor local and systemic reactions such as induration, fever and irritability were reported but no serious neurological reaction was documented. The Minstry of Health has planned the mass immunization program of newborn babies and pruodction and delivery through 198 health...
The Early Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy in Pediatrics
K. Maegawa
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(11):1003-1009.   Published online November 30, 1972
Recent Trends in Maternal and Child Health
Hyeongro Moon
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(11):1010-1015.   Published online November 30, 1972
Original Articles
Intussusception in Infancy and Childhood——210 cases——
Chang Joo Cho, Pyung Kil Kim, Duk Jin Yun, Eui Ho Hwang, Choon Kyu Kim, Kyu Chui Whang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(11):1016-1025.   Published online November 30, 1972
Intussusception is most frepuent and important surgical condition in infancy and chilchood. This clinical studies consist of 210 cases who were admitted to the department of pediatrics and surgery of Severance Hospital from Jan. 1957 to Dec. 1971. 1) In age incidency, 68. 8% of the patients are under one year of age. The peak incidence occurs from 4th to 9th month. 2) Males...
Clinical Trial with Bactrim Syrup Against 33 Cases of Intestinal Bactrial Infections
K.S Lee, T.I Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(11):1026-1029.   Published online November 30, 1972
Clinical trial with bactrim syrup against 33 cases of intestinal bacterial infections were undertaken. The results obtained were follows: 1. Two cases of typhoid fever were successfully treated with Bactrim syrup administration for 6 days. 2. Among 7 cases of bacteriologically proven shigellosis 5 cases were effectively controlled within 3 days with Bactrim syrup administration. 3. Two cases of intestinal infection...
Throat Culture in Respiratory Tract Infections in Infancy and Childhood
Sung Soo Lee, Sun Hee Lee, Ki Young Lee, Duk Jin Yun
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(11):1030-1036.   Published online November 30, 1972
A group of 980 cases of respiratory tract infections in infancy and children admitted to Severance Hospital during the 4 years from June, 1967 to May, 1971 were studied, and bacteriologic studies in each respiratory disease by means of throat cultures were evaluated. The following results were obtained: 1. Total number of bacteria isolated from respiratory patients were 1,708 in which number of Potential ...
Clinical Studies of Infantile Spasms
Sang Hyeup Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(11):1037-1046.   Published online November 30, 1972
Infantile spasms is a symptom complex which is still a therapeutic problem. This report reviews author’s experience and literature. In writer’s experience, the identification of the syndrome was not difficult. Most cases had no known causes. Treatment of the illness with the usual anticonvalsant was helpful in some cases. Treatment with ACTH revealed dramatic cessation of the seizures and improvement cf the EEG. This treatment...
Case Reports
4 Cases of Subdural Effusion as a Complication of Purulent Meningitis
C.N Kim, S.H Shin, S.K Kim, K.J Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(11):1047-1052.   Published online November 30, 1972
Cases report was presented on 4 cases of subdural effusion out of 55 cases purulent meningitis during 3 years and 4 months from March, 1968 to July, 1971 at Department of Pediatrics,Chonju Presbyterian Medical Center. The diagnosis was established by the clinical firding ard sutdural tapping and laboratory finding. A brief review of related literature was also made.
Two Cases of Idiopathic Dilatation of the Common Bile Duct
Jung II Kim, Byung Churl Lee, Young Joon Kim, Sang Duk Cha
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(11):1053-1057.   Published online November 30, 1972
Authors had experienced 2 cases of idiopathic dilatation of the common bile duct which was diagnosed by clinical, laboratory, X-ray and surgical findings. CaseⅠ in 4 years old girl has been observed for 1 ½ years after choledochoduodenostomy and caseⅡ in 10 years old boy has been followed up for 6 months after choledochojejunostomy (Roux-en-Y) without any complications. The review of the literature was...
A Case of Hereditary Spherocytosis
T.K Park, S.K Whang, D.U Eum
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(11):1058-1062.   Published online November 30, 1972
case of hereditary spherocytosis, which has been experienced in a three years old Korean boy at Holly House Hospital, was presented This blood disorper, was uncommon among Koran children, and reported several cases by Son1) Cho2), Kim3) Hong4) in this country. This case had visited the. episode of vomiting, general weakness, anemie, jaundice, splenomegaly and showed peripheral blood was findings which...
Syndrome in Picture
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(11):1063-1065.   Published online November 30, 1972
Original Articles
Abstract From Foreign Literature
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(11):1066-1066.   Published online November 30, 1972