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Volume 15(10); Oct 1972
Symposium s
Genetic Aspects of the Blood Disease
K.W. Choi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(10):893-896.   Published online October 31, 1972
Iron Metabolism and Anemia in Childhood
T.S. Sim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(10):897-901.   Published online October 31, 1972
Aplastic Anemia
J.S Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(10):902-905.   Published online October 31, 1972
Blood Transfusion in Children
M. J Shin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(10):906-910.   Published online October 31, 1972
Chemotherapy of Leukemia in Children
C.Y Hong
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(10):911-919.   Published online October 31, 1972
Symposium s
Purpura in Children
M.H Shin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(10):920-924.   Published online October 31, 1972
K.Y Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(10):925-931.   Published online October 31, 1972
Original Articles
Clinical Studies on Miliary Tuberculosis in Childhood
Jai Koo Lee, Dae Ho Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(10):932-937.   Published online October 31, 1972
Clinical studies were made on 96 miliary tuberculosis aged under 1.5 years at Mokpo Children’s T.B. Hospital during the period of March, 1962 through December, 1970. The results were as follows. 1. The highest incidence was noted as 62. 4 per cent in the group aged 1 to 5 years, and 17. 7 per cent out...
Liveborn Birth Weight for Gestational Age for Korean Infants
Won Kyoo Hwang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(10):938-943.   Published online October 31, 1972
Birth weight gestational age tables have been calulated for 5, 310 single Korean newborn infants between 28 and 40 weeks gestational age. The socioeconomic status of these families was poor and following group were excluded. 1) Incomplete date. 2) Twin and multiple birth. 3) Still born and malformed infants. 4) Those born to mother with diabetes mellitus, toxemia, advanced tuberculosis, and syphilis. The various collected data were tabulated by sex. Mean,...
Clinical Review of Progressive Muscular Dystrophy
Shin Hyung Chang, Ze Bo Cho, Ji Sub Oh, Dong Hyuk Kim, Dong Hak Shin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(10):944-950.   Published online October 31, 1972
The authors has observed 19 patients of progressive muscular dystrophy who were admitted to the Pediatric department and Orthopedic department and diagnosed by clinical symptoms, urine findings and muscle biopsy during the period from Mar. 1960 to April 1971. The results are as follows: 1) The most common form was Dechenne type (84.1%) and 2) All cases were male 3) In Duchenne type, the case of onset under...
Case Reports
A Case of Craniofacial Dysostosis (Crouzon’s Disease)
Sung Soo Lee, Jong Soo Kim, Won Chull Kim, Dong Shik Chin, Kwang Kil Lee, Chi Whan Kim, Sung Ok Choi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(10):951-955.   Published online October 31, 1972
Craniofacial dysostosis (Crouzon’s disease) is a rare disease and there is no report of craniofacial dystosis in children in Korea. We experienced a case of Crouzon’s disease in 4 day old male infant with chief complaints of respiratory distress and bilateral exophthalmos since birth. Physical examination showed craniosynostosis, bilateral exophthalmos, external strabismus, bird-like beaked nose, bilateral choanal atresia, high arched palate,...
A Case of Congenital Dermal Sinus
Il-Kyun Park, Kon Huh
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(10):956-958.   Published online October 31, 1972
We have experienced a case of congenital dermal sinus complicated intramedullary abscess and menigitis due to secondary infection through sinus. In this case the dermal sinus was developed to dermoid cyst at cauda equina in lower lumbar level, and so severly adherent to cauda equina and conns medullaris that, we could not remove the cyst operatively. We have concluded that the latent dermal sinus...
Young Chirl Moon, Shin Ho Park, Young Soon Yun
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(10):959-964.   Published online October 31, 1972
In the newborn infant, tongue-tie presents occasionally a minor difficulty in nursing, either in taking the breast or bottle. In regard to the breast, especially if the nipple is short or retracted, there may- be some difficulty, but this can be corrected by gentle massage of the mother’s nipple, not after she has been delivered but in the last month of gestation. Historically, some...
Original Articles
Abstract From Foreign Literature
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1972;15(10):965-966.   Published online October 31, 1972
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