The measurement of body weight, height and blood pressure, urine sugar, oral glucose tolerance test, S-GOT, S-GPT, cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol tests were made in 324 severely obese elementary, middle and high school students (218 boys and 106 girls) to know the incidence of complication in these children. . The results were as follow: 1) S-GOT or S-GPT were increased abnormally in 38.3% and fatty livers were... |
Language disorder is found in 5—10% of children. Etiologies of delayed language are mental retardation, Hearing loss, developmental dysphasia, dysarthria, infantile autism, psychological prob- lem and others. Delayed development of language is a key symptom of these diseases and oftentime the chief complamt which brings the child to the physician. Pediatrician is in the position to diagnose not only delayed language but the causativ... |
Retrospective follow up studies were done in 52 term infants who were treated at the nursery in Taegu Fatima Hospital, for clinical evidence of Hypoxic ischemic enecphalopathy (stage II). All children were followed for a minimum of 6 months. Factors that significantly correlated with prognosis included 5-minute Apgar scores, the age at the onset of the seizures, the EEG and the initial brain CT. (1) Of... |
To analysis age at onset, clinical manifestations, etiologies, complication and management of hypoglycemia, the authors reviewed seventeen cases of hypoglycemia who were admitted to Seoul National University Children’s Hospital because of hypoglycemic symtoms from March, 1982 to February, 1990. In neonate group, which included five patients, their initial symtoms were apnea, cyanosis, sweating and hand rigidity, with the causes of two hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemias, one... |
Peak expiratoy flow rate was especially useful parameter in the condition., management or prediction of children asthma and other obstructive pulmonary disease. The purpose of this study had been to obtain the predicted values for primary school children, compared peak expiratory flow rates using Miniwright peak flow meter with Wright peak flow meter and compared present study with previous study. We measured peak expiratory flow... |
Fourteen patients who had developed a chylothorax in childhood during a ten year period, from Jan. 1979 to July 1989, were reviewed by their hospital records. The chylothoraces occurred most frequently as complications of cardiothoracic surgeries in eight patients(57%). Four cases followed extrapericardial operations such as ligation of PDA and take-down of Blalock-Taussig shunt, and four cases followed intrapericardial operations such as corrective operations... |
저자들은 최근 5년 8개월 동안 서울대학교병원 소아과에서 경험한 태아 및 신생아기의 심부정맥 24 례에 대하여, 이들의 심전도, 심초음파도, 24시간 심전도 소견 및 임상 기록을 통하여,부정맥의 유 형과 여러 연관 요소에 대한 임상적 분석을 시행하였다. 발견된 부정맥은 심실조기수축 7례, 심방조 기수축 5례,상실성 빈맥 7례,동성서맥 2례, 심방조동 1례, 지속적인 1도 방실 블록 1례, 심실 빈맥 1례였다. 심장 이상은 10례(2 ASD : 4례, PDA : 1례,ASD+VSD :... |
The diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage in infants and children have been changed dramatically over the past decade. Although previous reviews of this subject have suggested that the cause of gastrointestinal tract bleeding may remain obscure in many patients, recent experience indicates that this is now uncommon. This advance is largely a result of the widespread and now routine application of fiberoptic... |
Six pediatric patients who were diagnosed as malignant Schwannoma and treated at Seoul National University Children’s Hospital from Aug. 1981 to Jun. 1990 were reviewed. Mean age was 11 years and 1 month and all cases except one were over 10 years old. Of six cases, three (50%) were associated with von Recklinghausen’s disease. Overall male to female ratio was 1 : 2. In... |
We studied 20 cases with brainstem glioma in childhood who admitted to the Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Neurosurgery from Oct. 1985 till July 1990. The results were as follows: 1) About 13.5% of all pediatric brain tumors were brainstem gliomas. The mean age on diagnosis was 7.2 years and there was no difference in sex about the incidence and age distribution. 2) The symptom duration until... |
Although Arginine is widely used in the evaluation of growth hormone (GH) secretion in short stature patient, the mechanism of action is unclear, yet. To elucidate how Arginine stimulate GH secretion, we studied the interaction of Arginine with growth homrone releasing hormone (GHRH) on GH secretion in GH deficient short stature patient and constitutional growth delay. The results of the studies were as follows: 1) Peak... |
Cardinal clinical features of trisomy 8 are as follow: Absent patellae; mental retardation; facies notable or its anteverted nose, long philtrum, micrognathia and malformed ears; flexion deformities of the fingers or toes, deep plantar V-shaped cleft between the first and third interdigital web of foot, “pH capitonne”. More than 35 patients have been identified as having trisomy 8. The authors experienced a patient of... |
The 4p_ syndrome results from structural deficiency of chromosome 4. We experienced a patient of 4p~ syndrome who all features of already described Wolf syndrome, i.e., prominent glabella, hypertelorism, broad beak nose, cleft lip and palate, kyphoscoliosis, hypospadia, etc.. Postmortem examination revealed multiple visceral anomalies, including large atrial septal defect, diaphragmatic eventration, intestinal malrotation, ankyloglossia, and hemivertebrae. The kidneys showed a marked simple hypoplasia weighing... |
Homocystinuria caused by cystathionine B-synthetase deficiency is characterized biochemically by increased concentration of homocystine and methionine, decreased concentration of cystine in plasma and urine. The manifestation of this rare disorder include skeletal abnormalities, a high incidence of thromboembolism, ectopia lentis, and a high frequency of mental retardation. We experienced a case of homocystinuria in a 10-year-old female patient who had mental retarda- tion, ectopia lentis,... |
The authors have experienced a case of Rh negative brother and sister, both of whose parents were Rh positive. On the testing by five major Rh antisers (anti D, anti C, anti E, anti c and anti e), the phonotypes of father and mother were CcDe, those of the brother were cde. Considering the possible genotypes, their genotypes was only one cde/cde in thirty-six... |
Wandering spleen is a term applied to the condition in which a long pedicle allows the spleen to lie in an abnormal location. The condition is usually symptomless but mild discomfort or severe abdominal pain may occur with torsion of the pedicle and with splenic congestion. There may be a masss palpable in the pelvic cavity or midabdomen which may be misdiagnosed as... |
We experienced a case of histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis in a 10-year old male child with complaints of high fever and painful swelling on right cervical area for 11 days. The diagnosis was based on histopathologic findings of right cervical lymph node, clinical features and laboratory findings. A review of literatures was also presented briefly. |
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a primary malignancy of nasopharyngeal epithelium, firstly de- scribed as a separate entity by Regaud and Schmincke in 1921. Although it is a rare tumor, reprsent- ing less than 1% of pediatric malignancies, it accounts for 9% of the nasopharyngeal neoplasms of childhood, and has not been reported in Korean child. We experienced two cases of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in a 10... |