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Volume 25(12); Dec 1982
Original Articles
Clinical Observation for Prematurity and Low Birth Weight Infant.
Kyung Nam Kim, Jong Wan Kim, Kyoo Hong Cho, Young Heon Kwak
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(12):1197-1202.   Published online December 31, 1982
Infants who are delivered prior to the term are subject to various disorders which complicate their neonatal course. Neonatal mortality rises progressively with increasing degrees of prematurity. We attempted to know the incidence of birth rate and mortality rate for prematurity and low birth weight infants who were delivered at Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, Catholic Medical College located in Bupyung Dong, Incheon during the...
Quantitative Determination of Immunologlobulins in Breast Milk During the Period of Lactation.
Sung Ee Kim, Chang Soo Ra
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(12):1203-1209.   Published online December 31, 1982
It has been established by many investigations that immunoglobulins in breast milk, par- ticularly secretory IgA, are important in. protecting the infant, not only through the colostrum but through milk from birth to the early months of life. In order to determine the levels of immunoglobulins in breast milk and the alterations of levels of immunoglobulins during the period of lactation, the authors studied...
A Prospective Study of Intrafamilial Spread in Hepatitis B Viral Infection.
Ki Sub Chung, Jong Wie Choi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(12):1210-1217.   Published online December 31, 1982
The pediatric liver disease involves primarily viral infection of type A or type B. Presently the hepatitis incidences are on the rising trend in Korea, especially the type B viral hepatitis. It is estimated that approximately 4〜5% of the school children are HBsAg chronic carriers which are posing threat to citizens health status. We examined 264 patients admitted to Severance hospital at Yonsei medical...
A Clinical Observation on Acute Bronchiolitis.
Jong Man Lee, Won Ik Lee, Jong Seung Kim, Chang Kyu Oh
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(12):1218-1224.   Published online December 31, 1982
A clincial study of 289 cases of acute bronchiolitis, which were admitted to the pediatric department of St. Paul’s Hospital during the period of 6 years from January 1975 to December 1980 was reviewed. The results were as follows: 1. Male was predominant, and male to female ratio was 2.3 : 1. 2. The highest incidence (72.3%) was in infants below the age of 6 months and...
Pericardial Effusion in Patients with Rheumatic Fever.
In Suck Seo, Hee Ju Kim, Jae Ho Lee, Yong Soo Yoon, Yong Choi, Chang Yee Hong
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(12):1225-1233.   Published online December 31, 1982
Pericarditis denotes worse prognosis in patients with rheumatic fever. During the period of 4 years from Jan. 1978 to Dec. 1981, one hundred and eighteen patients were diagnosed as rheumatic fever on the basis of revised Jones* criteria. One hundred and one patients of them were evaluated with M-mode echocardiography, and were analysed according to Horo- witz^ classification of pericardial effusion. The results were as...
Clinical Study of Epilepsy in Children.
C J Coe, D K Han, K Y Lee, B S Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(12):1234-1242.   Published online December 31, 1982
From November 1980 to June 1982, for 19 months, 636 cases of child epileptic patients were clinically investigated at Pediatric department of Yonsei Medical school, and obtained follo- wing results. 1. The epileptic patients was 4.4% of all the pediatric patients, visited or hospitalized during the same period of time. 2. Epilepsy was commoner in male child compare to female representing male to female ratio, 1.3:1. 3. The most common...
The Study on 182 Cases of Exchange Transfusion.
Gie Hwa Yoon, Ock Seung Jeong, So Won Ahn, Yung Seok Jeon
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(12):1243-1251.   Published online December 31, 1982
Clinical and statistical observations were performed on 182 cases who were received blood exchange transfusions at II Sin Women’s Hospital from January, 1978. to December, 1980. The results are as follows: 1. Among 1534 case of neonatal jaundice, the exchange transfusion was performed on 182 cases (8.4%). 2. The most predominant etiologies of exchange transfusion were ABO incompatibility (37.4 %) and prematurity(20.9%). 3. The total incidence of repeated exchange transfusion...
Clinical and Hematological Analysis on the 110 Cases of Childhood Leukemia.
Sang Choel Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(12):1252-1260.   Published online December 31, 1982
The author reviewed the clinical and hematological findings of the 110 children diagnosed as leukemia at pediatric departments, Busan National University and St. Benedict’s Hospital, Busan, during a period of 8 years arid 8 months from January 1973 to August 1981. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. Of the 110 chil-dhood leukemias, acute lymphoblastic type was most frequent(60.9%), iollowed by acute myeloblastic...
Case Reports
A Case of Salmonella Group D Brain Abscess.
Hak Hew Shin, Han Ku Moon, Jong Doo Kim, Ji Sub Oh
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(12):1261-1265.   Published online December 31, 1982
We experienced a brain abscess caused by Salmonella group D in a 25month old boy. Dia- gnosis was made by brain CAT which revealed a huge Rt. sided low density mass and culture of the drained pus. Therapy consisted of craniotomy, drainage and systemic antibiotics with good effect. He has been in good condition without convulsion or other neurologic sequelae thereafter. A brief review of...
A Case of Morgagni Hernia Confirmed by Diagnostic Pneumoperitoneum.
Young Mi Hong, Hae Seung Kim, Joong Gon Kim, Keun Lee, Seung Yeul Yoo
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(12):1266-1269.   Published online December 31, 1982
A case of Morgagni hernia in 3day old newborn is reported with literature review. The patient developed tachypnea and respiratory difficulty on 3rd day of life and the diagnosis was made by diagnostic pneumoperitoneum.
A Case of Salmonella Meningitis.
Oh Kyung Lee, Seok Ku Kim, Chul Lee, Myung Ho Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(12):1270-1274.   Published online December 31, 1982
Salmonella meningitis is characterized by rapid clinical course and poor prognosis in young children. Authors experienced a case of Salmonella meningitis in 16-month-old boy child, who was admitted to the pediatric department with high fever and diarrhea for 5 days. The diagnosis was confirmed by positive culture of Salmonella typhi on CSF and Blood. In this article, we emphasize the atypical symptoms and sign of...
A Case of Lung Metastasis of Testicular Yolk Sac Tumor.
Ho Ju Yoon, Hyun Kyung Cho, Jung Sik Chun, Chang Kyu Oh, Mahn Kyoo Yang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(12):1275-1279.   Published online December 31, 1982
First admission; A 4 year old male patient was admitted with progressive swelling and tenderness of left scrotum since birth. Left simple orchiectomy was performed. The histolo- gic finding was testicular yolk sac tumor. Second admission; 2 years later. The patient was readmitted with migrating pain and limitation of motion of lower extremities. Lung metastasis (LLL extending to lingular lobe) was appeared. During chemotherapy, he...
A Case of Chylous Ascites.
Sung Ho Chun, Yeon Sang Lee, Jung Ju Kim, Dong Hak Shin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(12):1280-1284.   Published online December 31, 1982
A 4-months old male infant was admitted to the department of pediatrics because of abdominal distension, Inguinal hernia, Diarrhea and mild dyspnea. The clinical symptoms, sign and laboratory findings were compatible with chylous ascites. Clinical study and review of literature were made briefly.
A Case of Acardi's Syndrome.
Bok Lyun Park, Hee Jung Chung, Chang Joon Coe, Young Sook Seo
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(12):1285-1288.   Published online December 31, 1982
A case of Aicardi’s syndrome is experienced at the Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Yonsei University recently. This patient was 50 days of female infant, who had infantile spasm, and her development was deteriorated recently. Her CT scan showed partial absence of corpus callosum and whose EEG was a pattern of modified hypsarrhythmia limited only on left hmisphere. She also had hemivertebra at...
Two Case of Ginaotti-Crosti Syndrome.
Jae Ho Lee, Soon Ung Kang, Jeong Kee Seo, Hyo Seop Ahn, Kwng Wook Ko, Won Suk Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(12):1289-1294.   Published online December 31, 1982
The Gianotti-Crosti syndrome is an. infrequently recognized disorder with distinctive clinical features. We have experienced two cases of Gianotti-Crosti syndrome diagnosed by clinical manifestation, laboratory data and histopathologic finding of skin. Case one; An 18-month-old girl was admitted to the pediatric ward with the chief complaint of erythematous rash. Its onset was preceded by an. upper respiratory tract infection. She had a wide spread erythematous...
Kwang Wook Ko, Je Keun Ji, Kwi Won Park
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(12):1295-1300.   Published online December 31, 1982


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