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Volume 25(11); Nov 1982
Original Articles
Study of Bilirubin Concentration on The Neonatal Jaundice.
Seung Kwon Kim, Woo Sik Chung, Byung Do Nam, Kew Taek Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(11):1089-1096.   Published online November 30, 1982
W« studied the guidelines on the serum bilirubin concentration of 15 mg% for the management of neonatal jaundice and compared the group of serum bilirubin concentration below 15 mg% ■and the group of serum bilirubin concentration above 15 mg%. 83 cased of icteric infants without any risk factors for kernicterus, ahove 12 m.g% in serum bilirubin concentration, were born at the St. Benedict hospital...
Clinical Observation of Viral Hepatitis.
Han Ku Moon, Chang Moo Lee, Myung Hi Shin, Jee Sub Oh
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(11):1097-1105.   Published online November 30, 1982
We observed 197 cases of viral hepatitis who were admitted to the dept, of pediatrics in WMBH, Busan, from July ’78 to June ’81 and the following results were obtained. 1. Of 197 cases of viral hepatitis, 52(24.6%) were positive for HBsAg. 2. On admission, increased ESR was found in 58.6% of HBsAg negative group, and the mean value was 20.3+13.7 mm/hr. In HBsAg positive group...
Shigelle, and Salmonella.
NamSu Kim, Jae Ho Lee, Chang Yee Hong
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(11):1106-1119.   Published online November 30, 1982
1. A total of 3,178 strains of Staphylococcus aureus, 278 strains of Shegella and 506 strains of Salmonella were isolated and tested for sensitivity against antimicrobial agents at Seoul National University Hospital from January 1971 to December 1980. Clinical study was made on children under 15 years old. 2. Sensitive strains to antimicrobial agents were more frequently isolated in children than adult. But the pa竹ern of sensitivity...
Clinical Studies on Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection.
Young Jin Hong, Kee Hong Kwon, Hae Il Cheong, Jung Yeun Choi, Yong Soo Yoon, Chang Yee Hong
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(11):1120-1130.   Published online November 30, 1982
Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) is a rare congenital defect in which all the pulmonary veins are connected to the right atrium or its tributary veins. Without surgical intervention, most patients with TAP VC have grave prognosis, with cardiac failure and death in infancy. But owing to the advances of surgical technique and postoperative care, complete correction has been accomplished with good results. Sixteen...
Clinical Observation of The Methemoglobinemia in Childrens.
Hak Hew Shin, Chull Kwon Chung, Myung Hi Shin, Ji Sub Oh
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(11):1131-1140.   Published online November 30, 1982
The clinical records of 28 cases with. Methemoglobinemia who were admitted to the Dept, of pediatrics, WMBH Busan from January 1978 to December 1981 were reviewed. The following results were obtained. 1) Incidence of Methemoglobinemia, was 17.8% among the all drug intoxication and seasonal incidence was peak in spring(50%). 2) The incidence was higher in boys than girls(60.7%), the highest incidence was noted in the age of 1...
A Clinical Study of The Bone and Joint Tuberculosis in Childrens.
Byung Hwa Park, Jung Tae Kim, Byung Ryoung Lee, Tae Ju Hwang, Hyung Suk Byun, Chull Sohn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(11):1141-1149.   Published online November 30, 1982
.The following results were obtained through the clinical review of 153 cases of bone and joint tuberculosis which were treated at Mokpo Children’s T.B. Hospital during the period of 10 years from Jaunary 1971 till December 1980. 1. The bone and joint tuberculosis was 10.3% of total tuberculous children during the above period. 2. The peak incidence was noted in the group aged 1 〜3 years and...
Case Reports
Congenital Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula.
Kwang Woo Kim, Kyung Suk Choi, Jung Woo Kim, Dong Hak Shin, Seockil Zeon
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(11):1150-1154.   Published online November 30, 1982
We have experienced four cases of congenital esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal ■fistula during the period of 3 years from Mar, 1979 to Sep. 1981, who were hospitalized at Dong San Hospital. The diagnosis was confirmed by esophagography, operation and autopsy. All four cases had upper blind pouch and lower tracheoesophageal fistula. Combined anomalities were aberrent subclavian artery, imperporated anus, estopic anus, hemivertebrae, polydactyly. Only one of four...
Three Cases of Herpes Zoster Infections in immunosuppressants Patients.
Young Hoon Song, Bok Hee Oh, Woo Gill Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(11):1155-1158.   Published online November 30, 1982
Herpes zoster is a acute viral infection which is characterized by localized vesicles.'along the course of the sensory nerve distribution of dorsal root ganglia and more frequent and severe in immunosuppressants treated patients or patients with cancer. We have experienced three cases of herpes zoster infections in. immunosuppressants treated :patients. First case with lupus nephritis (membranous type) was received azathioprine and prednisolone. Second case was...
A case of Bronchial Asthma Improved by Chlorpramazine Administrayion.
Bok Lyun Park, Chang Joo Cho, Ki Young Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(11):1159-1163.   Published online November 30, 1982
Asthma is a disease of multicausal etiology. But psychologic factors were assumed one of the important factors. We present a case of bronchial asthma aggravated to emotional upset and subsided by chlorpromazine administration. 11 years old female patient was admitted 4 times due to asthmatic attack which was. developed after psychologic upset On laboratory studies, IgE, total eosinophile count and pulmonary function tests were within...
A case of Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis.
Moon Ja Kim, Yoon Joo Choi, Ja Young Park, Joo Gon Kim, Keun Lee, Seong Yul Yoo
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(11):1164-1169.   Published online November 30, 1982
Congenital supravalvular aortic stenosis is congenital narrowing of the ascending aorta that may be localized or diffuse, originating at superior margin of the sinuses of Valsalva just above the level of the coronary arteries. We have experienced a case of congenital supravalvular aortic stenosis who had characte- ristic face and mental retardation associated with aortic aneurysm. We have presented this case and reviewed the literature.
A Case of Tuberous Sclelosis with Renal Angiomyolipoma.
H K Park, H J Park, H J Chun, M J Shin, J S Choi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(11):1170-1174.   Published online November 30, 1982
Tuberous sclerosis is a heredofamilial disease and is a multisystem disorder affecting primarily tissues derived from ectoderm, such as skin, eye, central and peripheral nervous system, but also involving organs of mesodermal and endodermal origins, such as heart, lungs, kidneys, bones and GI tract. It is characterized by classical triad of mental retard- ation, epilepsy and angiofibroma. We experienced a full blown case of tuberous...
A Case of Dermatomyositis with Retinopathy.
H J Shu, S G Hong, H M Kim, J S Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(11):1175-1180.   Published online November 30, 1982
Recently we have experienced a case of dermatomyositis with retinopathy in a 10 year-old boy. Presenting symptoms were progressive weakness of four extremities, dysphonia, dysphagia and erythematous rashes on the face. Diagnosis was made of typical clinical findings with aid of laboratory date and muscle l) iopsy. Also brief review of related literatures has been done.
A Case of Potter Syndrome.
Young Mi Hong, Hae Seung Kim, Jung Gon Kim, Keun Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(11):1181-1184.   Published online November 30, 1982
In 1946 Potter described a series of 20 cases in infants in whom bilateral absence of the kidneys was associated with, hypoplasia of the lung and characteristic face. The main facial features she described were increased space between the eyes, a prominent fold which arises at inner canthus and sweeps downward and laterally below the eyes, unusual flattening of the nose, excessive recession of...
A Case of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
Dong Hwan Cho, Sook Kyeung Zung, Zun Ho Kim, Byung Yun Chung, Won Jae Park
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(11):1185-1189.   Published online November 30, 1982
A Case of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus was presented concerning the clinical wanifesta- tions and laboratory findings with reference to literatures. The patient was a 15-years old Korean High school girl who was admitted to this hospital on May, 19th, 1981, with the chief complaints of pain of both knee joints, skin rashes, paticularly characteristic butterfly rashes on malar area of face and fever. She was...
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