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Volume 25(5); May 1982
Original Articles
Clinical and Statistical Observation for Low Birth Weight Infants.
Sung Ho Chun, Seung Woo Moon, So Kyung Park, Jung Ju Kim, Dong Hag Shin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(5):429-435.   Published online May 31, 1982
We made clinical and statistical observation of low birth weight infants who were delivered at Keimyung University hospital during the 2 years and 4 months period from March, 1979 through July, 1981. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The sex ratio for live birth infants, male to female, was 1.28:1, and low-birth-weight infants was 0.96:1. The incidence of low...
Effect of Phototherapy on the Riboflavin Status in Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia.
Young Oak Bang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(5):436-444.   Published online May 31, 1982
Riboflavin in unstable in light and has a maximum absorption at 450nm. A study was designed to determine whether riboflavin deficiency developed in neonate who received phototherapy with eight day light bulbs for hyperbilirubinemia and to get normal value of activity coefficient of erythrocyte glutathione reductase in neonate. Twenty-seven infants who received phototherapy were investigated. Thirth-eight normal infants without phototherapy...
Prevalence of Australia Antigen and Antibody in Pediatric Age Group.
Kwang Woo Kim, Su Young Kim, Jung Joo Kim, Dong Hak Shin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(5):445-452.   Published online May 31, 1982
Research study of Hepatitis B infection has been much advanced recently and the incidence of the Hepatitis B infection, such as acute viral hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis, chronic persistant hepatitis, acute fulminating hepatitis and carrier states are increasing significantly. The authors evaluated HBsAg and AntiHBs in the child age group and the results are summarized as follows: Of 271 children...
Foreign Body in the Airway: A review of 71 patients.
In Sil Lee, Son Moon Shin, Jong Kook Lee, Yong Soo Yun, Hahn Woong Choe
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(5):453-459.   Published online May 31, 1982
Seventy one children aged 3 months and 8 months with a foreign body in the airway were analysed. Most of the patients were less than 3 years of age, and male to female ratio 2.6:1. Most foreign bodies were food materials (58.2%), metallic bodies (20.9%) and plastic materials(13.4%). Of all the foreign bodies, 61 cases were lodged in the main...
HLA Type in Bronchial Asthma and Atopic Dermatitis.
Ji Yoon Chung, Myung Sook Kim, Jung Ju Kim, Dong Hak Shin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(5):460-466.   Published online May 31, 1982
Since the histocompatibility was discovered, we have studied and determined many HLA types till the last workshop held in Los Angeles, USA, 1980. Nowadays we apply HLA types to organ transplantation, transfusion of blood, identification of paternity, study of ethnology and diagnosis of a specific disease. In the present study, 20 cases of bronchial asthma and 15 atopic dermatitis patients...
Bronchial asthma, Atopic dermatitis, HLA type.
Yun Mo Sohn, Han Ku Moon, Myung Hi Shin, Ji Sub Oh
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(5):467-476.   Published online May 31, 1982
We observed 285 cases of culture proved shigellosis from Jan. 1978 to July 1981 at W.M.B.H. in Busan. We specially observed the clinical and bacteriological response to Oxolinic acid in 59 cases from Jan. to July 1981. The following results were obtained. 1. The most commonly isolated shigella strains was Sh. flexneri (85.3%) followed by Sh. sonnei (7.4%), Sh. boydii...
A Clinical Observation on Meningitis in Infancy and Childhood.
D K Moon, S H Kim, I K Paik, C M Kang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(5):477-488.   Published online May 31, 1982
A clinical study of 320 cases of meningitis(purulent 124 cases, tuberculous 94 cases, aseptic 102 cases) in infancy and childhood, which were admitted to the pediatric Department of Keimyung University Medical College and Hospital during the period of 5 years and 6 months from January 1975 through June 1981 was made. The results were summarized as follows: 1. In age...
Clinical Study of Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus.
Keun chull Choi, Seok ku Kim, Chul Lee, Myung ho Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(5):489-497.   Published online May 31, 1982
We have observed 9 cases of juvenile diabetes mellitus who were admitted to Pediatrics Department of Presbyterian Medical Center in Jeon-ju, during period of 7 years and 2 months from Jan, 1974 to Mar, 1981. The following results were obtained. 1) Incidence of juvenile diabetes mellitus was 0.088% of all patients who were admitted to Pediatric Department ward during period...
Case Reports
Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia.
Nan Ae Kim, Moon Ki Cho, Chang Jun Coe, Duck Jin Yun, Jung Ho Suh
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(5):498-502.   Published online May 31, 1982
Hereditary spastic paraplegia is a familial disorder which is inherited by autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive or sex linked pattern. We experienced a family who has hereditary spastic paraplegia with mental retardation and extrapyramidal symptom that is thought inherited by autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. A review of literatures was made briefly.
A Case of Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma.
Kil Su Kim, Youn Mo Sohn, Myung Hee Lee, Ji Sub Oh, Ok Ji Paik
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(5):503-507.   Published online May 31, 1982
The congenital mesoblastic nephroma is the most common renal neoplasm seen in the first few months of life. This tumor usually benign, but local recurrences and metastases have been reported, and treatment is total nephrectomy. This entity must be differentiated from Wilm's tumor so as to avoid unnecessary postoperative irradiation and chemotherapy. Recently, we experienced a case of congenital mesoblastic...
A case of Lacunar Skull.
Byung Lyul Lee, Byung Hwan Lee, Kwang Chan Doh, Sung Il Ahn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(5):508-511.   Published online May 31, 1982
A case of lacunar skull, female newborn infant, associated with skin defect on the lumbosacral region, spina bifida, meingomyelocele and paraplegia is reported. Hydrocephalus developed eventually. Diagnosis was made by X-ray of skull. The roentgenographic apperance shows typhical a soap bubble texture or irregular patches of rarefaction. A brief review of the related literature is given.
Prednisolone-responsive Malignant Osteopetrosis: a case reveiw.
Chong Woo Bae, Hwan Sup Kang, Jeong Sik Min, Suk Chul Kang, Soo Woong Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(5):512-517.   Published online May 31, 1982
The authors presented a 17 months old female with malignant osteopetrosis, who was admitted to the Pediatric Department of Kyung Hee University Hospital on May, 1981 because of epistaxis and growth retardation. Diagnosis was made by typical clinical manifestations, hematologic and radiologic findings, such as frontal bossing, opened anterior fontanel, exophalmoses, strabismus, optic atropy, marked hepatosplenomegaly, severe anemia, thrombocytopenia, reticulocytosis...
Five Cases of Hemorrhagic Disease of Infancy.
Jung Sook Moon, Eun Hee Koh, Sang Man Shin, Sang Jhoo Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(5):518-522.   Published online May 31, 1982
A hemorrhagic disease due to acquired prothrombin complex deficiency is presented in five infants from 3 weeks to 2 months of age. There are 2 cases of intracranial hemorrhage, 1 case of hemothorax, 2 cases of gastrointestinal bleeding, 1 case of epistaxis and 3 cases of petechia, purpura or bleeding from injection site. After the administration of vitamin K, bleeding...
Congenital Hiatal Hernia Associated with Anemia.
Young Sook Hong, Young Mo Sohn, Pyung Kil Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(5):523-527.   Published online May 31, 1982
Surgically corrected congenital hiatal hernia associated with anemia has been presented. A 1 year old boy has been complained of severe pallor and fever on admission. Reentgenologic examination revealed thoracic stomach and then the hernia was repaired by transabdominal approach. It was found to be a paraesophageal type hiatal hernia. Pathogenesis and complications of congenital histal hernia were discussed and...
Two Cases of Postvaricella Reye Syndrome.
Won A Park, Sang Keun Chi, In Ho Kim, Churl Young Chung
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(5):528-532.   Published online May 31, 1982
Authors observed two cases of Reye syndrome in 7 and 8 year old male patients who had begun to vomit after chickenpox. The interval between the onset of varicella rash and encephalopathy of Reye syndrome was 4 days in both these cases. The initial laboratory findings revealed increased serum transaminase and blood ammonia levels which returned to normal on 18...
Original Articles
Thrombocytopenia with absent radius syndrome.
Gwang guk . Ko, Jegeun Ji
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(5):536-539.   Published online May 31, 1982
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