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Studies on the Distribution of Percentiles of Skinfold Thickness and Body Mass Index among Adolescents in Seoul
Jae Sung Ko, Kang Mo Ahn, Yon Ho Choe, Eun Hwa Choi, Yong Choi, Yoon Ok An
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1996;39(6):773-779.   Published online June 15, 1996
Purpose : With development of socioeconomic status, the prevelance of adolesecnt obesity, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, is increasing. Skinfold and body mass index are indirectly used measurement of obesity in clinical and epidemiologic studies. Triceps skinfold, subscapular skinfold and body mass index were measured in adolescents aged 12 to 17. Percentile values by age and sex and...